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Sgt-Turbo's avatar

Absolute Mad Lad



Title says it all... I'm an absolute mad lad!

One, for coming up with this whole idea in the first place, but here's the second reason. When setting the hull on the chassis to see if there'd be enough room for the tracks, I discovered that there was a huge opening in the front between the riveted, molded piece (or what I call the transmission guard) and the hull between the front fenders. So, what did I decide to do? Add some more pieces, of course!

I took the second transmission guard piece from my Sherman Jumbo kit, seeing as how I didn't need it, cut off some of the smaller pieces, and glued it on over the first piece. Has a nice added effect of spaced armor too =P (Razz) 

To fill in the gap between the hull and the newly-added second transmission guard, I decided to cut up the chassis mold that also came with the Jumbo kit, trimmed it up a bit, and sanded the ever-loving hell out of it to make it fit.

I think it turned out pretty nicely. What do y'all think?
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