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Cherry Blossoms Pattern Pack



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Inspired by the website

This was adapted from the sashiko Illustrator patterns I uploaded a while back. I made them for my new Geisha Kitty design that I'll be getting ready. Since I'm sure many of you don't have Illustrator, these are all in .jpeg format in a .zip file. Feel free to use these for anything that needs a pattern. Desktop wallpaper, website background, artwork, etc. I hope you all like them! There are terms of use in the .zip file in case you're interested. Please credit back to me if you can, and use only for personal use ^ ~

I've updated the file for download ^^! I realized that my Illustrator Sashiko Patterns is my most popular deviation, and I couldn't help but think that it is because Illustrator files/brushes perhaps are not that common. So, in addition to the .jpegs that are included for use as wallpaper tiles, there is also an Adobe Illustrator file with all of the patterns on hand. Simply go into Illustrator and select (depending on your version of Illustrator) Window > Swatch Libraries > Other Libraries... and select your desired pattern file. A swatch box filled with the patterns will show up for your use. Again, please do not use commercial use, and credit back to me if you can.

Thanks so much for looking!
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Beautiful work! Thank you!