seventhirtytwo's avatar


100 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

  • Dec 24
  • United States
  • Deviant for 11 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (77)
So, that design I mentioned before has finally gone live. Luckily enough, Betabrand thought was was good enough to make it pass the screening process, so now it's up to be voted for. After which, if it gets enough votes, it'll go to the crowd-funding stage and so on. I don't know the exact process yet, but it'll eventually go into production if everything goes well. You can swing by and submit your vote here: remember, though greatly inspired, this design is a totally original concept. It doesn't infringe on any copyright laws held by any party and is 100% ...
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0 min read
So, I don't like writing stuff like this - mainly because it just gives people a reason to complain about the way I talk and I'd rather not deal with that kind of feedback - but this may be of some importance to some of you, so I'm doing it. To all those that are just here to complain: Whatever. Leave. I don't know what to tell you.First - I've made another page recently where I've been uploading all of my newest conceptual merchandise designs, hence why there hasn't been any activity from me on DA for a while. I wasn't going to give out the link at first, since I wanted it to be a private portfolio, but that would've also hindered by abil...
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0 min read
Does anybody know of an alternative site to DeviantArt? Preferably one that has privacy settings.I originally started posting my designs to show friends and to have an online portfolio, but it's gotten too out of hand with the popularity it's gained and doesn't have the stature I had originally planned for it anymore. I'm now looking for somewhere I can post my work to that it won't be seen by the general public, or at the very least, has an option to limit who sees.So yeah, if there are any more sites like this that have a bit more professionalism to them, I'd appreciate a hookup.
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Are you the one that made the Young Justice Jackets/hoodies? If so do you sell?
i saw this website and i immediately remembered your superhero concept jackets…
Cheers for making those superhero hoodie designs, it was pretty cool seeing the concept art. Good luck with your future endeavours dude.

Will I ever be able to buy this hoodie?…

There are a couple things I really like about this that are unique. First the shoulder pads rock. Secondly, I think it would be great to pad the chest so when zipped it gives that - "super" puffed chest look. Lastly, the arms don't have those elastic arm bands at the end.

Why did you put your stuff into storage? :(
because everyone just keep askyng "do you sell this stuff?" he got bored and do you know the rest. ._. meh
That sucks... They looked cool...