Ficha Beta -Sutori All Stars-SethKyo on DeviantArt

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Ficha Beta -Sutori All Stars-



Esta es la ficha que he subido para participar en el torneo de Sutori All Stars, en la página de Sutori. Espero que Beta entre en el torneo, tengo curiosidad por ver cómo funciona.

El problema es que tengo el presentimiento de que la mayoría de presentados al torneo serán personajes jóvenes y más "manga" clásico que Beta, así que puede que se sienta un poco desubicado si lo cogen xD

Probablemente cuelgue el dibujo de la ficha ya a cuerpo entero y coloreado pronto.


This is the profile I made of my OC Beta to join a tournament that has been created in a spanish web. I hope Beta will be chosen, I'm really curious about how the tournament thing will work (I think it's like you have to make a drawing of your character fighting his opponent and then people vote, seems like fun)

I've got the feeling most characters will be younger and more of the 'classic manga' kind, so I fear maybe Beta will not completely fit, but on the other hand maybe this will help him be chosen as he's different than the usual character, I don't know...

A quick translation of the profile:

Name : Beta
Age : 37 years
World he comes from : Lyneria
He likes : spending time with his daughter
He doesn't like : unbalanced battles
Wish he wants to fulfill : Finding a way his daughter won't suffer his family hereditary illness

The full body and coloured drawing of the profile is to come soon.
Image size
700x617px 125.57 KB
© 2011 - 2025 SethKyo
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Letucse's avatar
Me gusta este personaje, no se que tiene que lo ves y ya te cae en gracia, jaja
Creo que es el único madurito que he visto de los sutori All Stars, además su causa es muy noble ^^