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Zodiac Constellation by Twins72

July brings close to us  Cancer Constellation with its wonderful sensibility.

So, let's see! :icontruesmiles:

People born under the sign of Cancer are very sensible and  devoted to family. In the family, they feel free,they enjoy peace and comfort and they can achieve their full potential. They are very sensitive, hates injustice, often give than take.Cancer native, always will be very kind, friendly, affectionate, sensitive and creative person and he knows how to make a good impression, to show his qualities, thus attracting people around. Natives of Cancer zodiac sign (June 22-July 22) are hardworking and reliable, they don't like innovations and  respect generally accepted rules.
 Ideogram of Cancer zodiac sign symbolizes the union of spiritual circle with the soul crescent, suggesting the claws of a crab.

Cancer Star Sign by Sookie by sookiesooker  Zodiac Avatar: Cancer by FantasyStockAvatars

Cancer is a feminine sign of water, mostly emotional, mental, ruled by the Moon. This influence,  enhances romance, diplomacy, power adjustment, sensitivity, memory, imagination, artistic skills and also instability, oscillation, inconstancy, whims and tendency to laziness.

The 4 Elements - Water by Varges
Elemental Series: Water by paintmepinkshop  Elements- Water by AkaCirce
  Water elemental by MadameThenadier Four Elements: Water by Adolin-of-Light
  Just thinking of you by EstherPuche-Art Relaxing with Nature  by LindArtz <da:thumb id="469410457"/>
Mermaid Waves by KarinClaessonArt

Cancer native hiding their vulnerabilities behind a shell. If you succeed to get beyond this protective layer, you will discover a very complex person, willing and capable of deep feelings.
Cancer is the most loving and sensible sign of the entire zodiac and this native, puts heart on a plate when he is free from the fear of being hurt. If you enter in a relationship with a Cancer, you can be sure that you will not miss the deep feelings and that you will always feel desired. The native of this sign will make you feel like the most important people in the world, but remember that he needs attention - sometimes even more than you need. Never neglect a Cancer!
The motto of Cancer native is "I detach from my past and  I love people around me, for what they are and not for what I get. I express my emotions with absolute certainty."
Sensitive nature of Cancer never becomes a weakness when it aims to protect the loved one.  For this sign, family is very important and a Cancer always will be  a great and wonderful partner and a special parent.

Sign of Zodiac - Cancer by Iribel

Cancer by Magica-28 Cancer by paintmepinkshop Moontides: Cancer -collab- by aeryvae
Constellation - Cancer by HeisT-HeX Nanard L'hermite by scubapic cancer by jaszone
the Cancer V2 by azurylipfe Cancer Of The Zodiac by zoozee Cancer by llinderv

mr.crabs by carettacaretta

Zodiac Girls - Cancer by the-crazy-spork  Cancer by phantoms-siren Masquerade Zodiac Cancer by GargoyleGoddess21
Cancer by AlexandraHaley Mantis Shrimp by yaq1xsw2 
ZODIAC: Cancer by anja-uhren cancer by ad-shor DW Zodiacs- Cancer by Flamestaff

Zodiac : Cancer by ClairObscurArt

Zodiac - Cancer by Ellygator  Cancer by Estheryu
cancer by wulfmune  Crustacean by FauxHead -the cancer- ver2 by guu-chan
The zodiac project - Cancer by the-zodiac-club Cancer by MelGama  ZODIACS - Cancer by EmanuellaKozas

Zodiac Cancer by frozennova Cancer zodiac tribal by Boarfeathers Cancer by rakaon
 Azores crab by fkefctry Zodiac Cancer by crimsonvermillion
Cancer by Asunaro Cancer by desertfirebird  Cancer by Inucat

Cancer by wolfmorphine

Cancer by Terrauh Cancer by bobkitty1123  Cancer by oblivion2kx
Japanese Cancer by faithfair second wish... by veftenie  Cancer by cobaltdragon
 Cancer by timetenshi porcelain crab 2 by carettacaretta

Horned Crab by Oddersnude

Zodiac Cancer by WarBrown Zodiac - Cancer by puimun  Cancer by theartful-dodge
Tribal Zodiac - Cancer by GifHaas  Musical Cancer by dvnmyls <da:thumb id="371662430"/>
Cancer by Angel-Blaze  porcelain crab by aquanauts74  Da Zodiac - Cancer by YukiMiyasawa

Cancer by ivadesign

Zodiac - Cancer by Hellobaby  kas-june2007-1 by carettacaretta  Cancer by ErebusOdora
 zodiac the series - cancer by bgx1 Cancer by patriciabrennan
Signs of the Zodiac - Cancer by HansPeterKolb Cancer crab by melancholy-spiders  Cancer by LiquidFaeStudios


  Zodiac Flower Design: Cancer by D-Angeline
<da:thumb id="109328612"/>  Cancer the Protector by Hotaru-oz  Cancer by Bahamut285
Cancer by Felis87 Cancer by LorenzoDiMauro 
Cancer: The Protector by unknown-cowfish

Lucky stones for Cancer are  Pearls, white Agate, Chalcedony, white Onyx, Emerald, Moonstone.

Moonstone teardrop pendant by IMNIUM

KOLCZYKI 'LAPACZE SNOW' by bizuteria-bizu4u  Eldalie by Laurelis  Rainbow Moonstone Cocktail Ring by FILIGRY
Wire Wrap Romantic Bracelet with Moonstone by hyppiechic  Original Pearls by DistantDireWolf  Spring flowers by UrsulaJewelry

Heavenly watercolor by WhiteSquaw 

Cancer woman prefers white flowers. Among the favorites are: lotus, lilac, magnolia, geranium, lily. Do not forget that Cancer is  very sensitive and likes to receive flowers, especially if they are offered with all heart.

Magnolia 3 by Phototubby  My flowering cuttings by George---Kirk  Lotus Poem by ChiFeng-dA
The beginning is always today by AkuZeku  Waterlily 4 by Kogata-Yatsura
Water Lily At Rieve's Pond by Matthew-Beziat

I hope that all my friends who are children of Cancer zodiac sign had a beautiful June and July and a special Anniversary.:iconalesiandra:

Zodiac Keeper by Amosha  Jasmine by KmyGraphic Astrology Series - Cancer by feiyan

Thank you very much to all who will see this presentation and I wish you a very good week and coming August.:heart:


Journal skin created by ShiStock & SabakuNoShi '2014
Image by SaRaH-22
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AmberFernheart's avatar
This is an amazing and beautiful way to feature the Cancer sign. I LOVE it!:meow: what I notice is that most people feature this sign in a gray and gloomy way, and since I'm a Cancer, I really admaire this!:D