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:thumb78377333: Columns of The Olympian Zeus I by dancingelf The writing on the wall by SylvieHughiBertha gold n steel by HaLoTrAcTiOn :thumb77939881: thoughtful by ThreeLibras


|02.27.2008| - Now I'm a happy owner of Fujifilm S5 Pro, a brilliant professional lens AF-S Nikkor 28-70 2.8 D, and the incredible Metz 76 MZ-5 Digital "hammer" flash gun (guide number 76!!!).

|02.25.2008| - Tomorrow I gonna buy a new camera at last! It will be Fujifilm S5 Pro. Of course I've been thinking about Nikon D3, but it is unavailable in our region yet, and the price will be more then $7,000!!! I've decided that it will be a better choice to buy a cheap S5 Pro and a new pro lens in addition. Anyway I'm not gonna sell my Nikon D80 yet.

|02.24.2008| - Photoshooting for "TALISMAN" in "BEN HALL" pub. Eight pints of Guiness were a good way to relax after the work was done. :)

|02.22.2008| - Wedding photosession for Serguei and Ann. It was so cold and windy today, poor bride! But I hope the result worth it.

|02.22.2008| - Photoshooting for "Coca-Cola" company.

|02.21.2008| - Photoshooting for "Fabrika Prazdnika" agency.

|02.20.2008| - Photoshooting for "UCADB" colledge. Sport event.

|02.15.2008| - Photoshooting for the "Park House" mall.

|02.14.2008| - Photoshooting for "Arsenal" organization.

|02.09.2008| - Studio photosession for my stock portfolio.

|02.04.2008| - Urban exploration phototrip.

|01.31.2008| - Studio photosession with my daughter Ann.

|01.29.2008| - Nikon announces D60, and several new lenses, including AF-S DX Nikkor 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR… and AF-S Micro Nikkor 60mm f/2.8G ED…

|01.29.2008| - A very beautiful snowfall was today in Ekaterinburg. I gonna submit some pictures soon.

|01.28.2008| - The photosession with Kate Kurai in "Underground Studio".

|01.24.2008| - My grandfather passed away at the age of 80. He was a great man! All his five children including my mother will be always proud of him!

|01.19.2008| - My daughter Tania is 2 years old today. Happy Birthday Tania! I'm really glad to be a father of two beautiful girls in my 24. Here you can see some pics of her… .

|01.15.2008| - I've become a father for the second time! My daughter Ann was born today.


... portraits ...

:iconjustportraits: :icondeviantdolls: :iconportraitsclub: :icondeath-chicks: :iconlensvision: :iconurbanshots: :iconnight-shots: :iconhdr-club: :iconbeautifulfotography: :iconeverything-nikon: :iconmanipulators: :iconmacro-beginners-club: :iconflower-club: :iconex-po-zure: :iconcloseup-photography: :iconurbanexploration: :iconglamour-portraits: :iconfujifilm-club:

Stop Child Porn Stamp by ppgrainbow Say No To Racism by ZeKRoBzS
- I Listen To Alternative - by AbXorb Zodiac Stamp 'Gemeni' by Sharkfold I Hate Math by l8
:thumb31467435: :thumb42082888: Nikon D80 Stamp by CroWelsh
:thumb41197221: I LOVE CHOCOLATE stamp by coycoy Russian Federation Flag Stamp by l8
50,000 Pageviews Stamp by Solitude12 :thumb57124250: You Tube Stamp by pillze69
Sushi Love Stamp by yanagi-san I love beer by Pallala Guinness Stamp by ElijahSnow
Fujifilm Stamp by moex

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NeeDoll's avatar
Thank you for the feature, please forgive my late reply. I am very flattered.