+ SerketXXI's Brushes Mega Pack for CSP! +SerketXXI on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/serketxxi/art/SerketXXI-s-Brushes-Mega-Pack-for-CSP-913615511SerketXXI

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June 23, 2022
+ SerketXXI's Brushes Mega Pack for CSP! + by SerketXXI
Featured by BeckyKidus
SerketXXI's avatar

+ SerketXXI's Brushes Mega Pack for CSP! +


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I decided to update and tweaked my old brushes that you're downloaded for 7th years! Wow!
For Clip Studio Paint latest version only. (Since you can't use it on old CSP version or Manga Studio 5)
Here's some mega pack, included Danganronpa and Hetalia Brushes set here: www.deviantart.com/serketxxi/a…

These brushes I made are freely to use for both Personal or Commercial use!
No need to credits, but I appreciated it!

As long as you don't resell my brushes.

Thank you for downloading!!
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AlbiArtworks's avatar

Hi there!

It seems that once upon a time you shared your other brushes, namely "speedpaint brush 1, 2, 3". Frankly, this is my favorite brush, but after reinstalling clip studio I could no longer find it... Please, can you share the settings for this brushes? 😥 Sorry to bother you and have a nice day!