Starswirl the bearded fights with a dragonseriousdog on DeviantArt

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seriousdog's avatar

Starswirl the bearded fights with a dragon



Starswirl the bearded has been one of the biggest mysteries in MLP history. In my comic Discord's Backstory I give some of my personal theories (and no, i don't think Starswirl and Discord are the same character). I don't know if the series will ever show exactly who this pony was, but a big part of why this character fascinates me is because of the questions that rise only pronouncing his name. This drawing is made in honor of a pony that contributes to the show's storyline a lot without showing up even once. I hope you like it! :D
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745x1041px 514.56 KB
© 2013 - 2025 seriousdog
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GUILLE832's avatar
Un dibujo excelente, lo digo en serio. Me encanta el cambio de estilo, a decir verdad es algo refrescante :)