Rainbow powered mane 6 VS Tirekseriousdog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seriousdog/art/Rainbow-powered-mane-6-VS-Tirek-462870217seriousdog

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seriousdog's avatar

Rainbow powered mane 6 VS Tirek



This one was hard to do ( it was a request from mariospyrosonic.deviantart.com…, a birthday present. I finished just in your birthday day, I hope you like it. :) ).
It's a hand-made drawing of the rainbow powered mane 6 fighting the evil Lord Tirek, drawn with Copic Ciao markers. This is the first time I draw the rainbow power versions of the ponies, so they might not look just like the ones from the show, but I hope they look good at least.
Discord and Spike are in the background just to add more dimension to the scene.
I hope you enjoy it. :D
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2338x1644px 1.58 MB
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VoltronZ1's avatar


Yep, that pretty much sums it up. ;)

Here's to more Rainbow Power in Season 5. :w00t: