Rainbow Falls title cardseriousdog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seriousdog/art/Rainbow-Falls-title-card-431803362seriousdog

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Rainbow Falls title card



This episode seems to be getting a lot of mixed reactions among analyst bronies and, to be honest, I don't really see why. Sure, it seems like the Wonderbolts ( namely Spitfire, as Soarin's still as nice as before and we didn't really know Fleetfoot that much) are becoming less and less sympathetic, but appart from that, I enjoyed a lot the rest of the episode ( the conflict, the moral...). I like how Bulk Biceps was added to the main group for an episode ( that guy is awesome XD) and we cannot forget, of course ( Spoilers Ahoy!) Derpy's great return! Seriously, I really loved this one. :D
I hope you like this title card!

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GUILLE832's avatar
Una de las mejores cartas de título que has hecho hasta la fecha :D Me encanta, sobretodo la cantidad de personajes :)