Have a Pony Halloween!: The (kind of) remakeseriousdog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seriousdog/art/Have-a-Pony-Halloween-The-kind-of-remake-490053294seriousdog

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Have a Pony Halloween!: The (kind of) remake



A lot of people like to do the "draw this again" thing. This isn't exactly a "draw this again", it's more of a reimagination of the concept of the previous drawing....you can say is a remake. XD

The original drawing is Have a Pony Halloween!!, a drawing I did about a year ago.
I decided to do this remake because I wanted to see how much my drawing style has evolved over the year. Also, I'm growing fond of these ponyfied versions of classic movie monsters.

I hope you like this Halloween-themed remake (also, the werewolf pony always finds ways to sneak into my drawings XD)! :)
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2080x1525px 785.99 KB
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GlitteringStars's avatar
The clown pony. Holy crud.