Goodbye, MLP season 4seriousdog on DeviantArt

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Goodbye, MLP season 4



In my honest opinion, season 4 was amazing. I loved almost every episode ( my favourites are Twilight's Kingdom, Pinkie Pride and Flight to the Finish, in that order).
I want to say goodbye to this glorious season. I hope this drawing that references pretty much every episode and almost every significant character of the season is enough for now. :)

I'll point out at least a reference in the drawing for episode:1 and 2 Princess Twilight Sparkle (The vines and the tree of harmony),3.Castle Mane-Ia (The Pony of Shadows),4.Daring Don't ( Daring Do and Ahuizot),5.Flight To the Finish (Scootaloo is making the routine woth the scooter),6. Power Ponies ( The Power Ponies comic book),7.Bats ( The vampire fruit bat),8.Rarity Takes Manehattan ( Coco Pommel and Rarity's key),9.Pinkie Apple Pie ( Big Mac with the cart, Goldie Delicious),10.Rainbow Falls ( The Ponyville relay team and Rainbow's key),11.Three's a Crowd ( The giant worm and the glass of water),12.Pinkie Pride ( Cheese Sandwich and Boneless),13.Simple Ways(Trenderhoof),14.Filly Vanilly(Fluttershy's outfit),15.Twilight Time(Pipsqueack),16.It Ain't Easy Being Breezies(Seabreeze, Fluttershy's key and the Doctor's glasses),17.Somepony to Watch Over Me (The chimera and Applejack's boots),18.Maud Pie(Maud Pie),19.For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils(Sapphire Shores and her headress), 20. Leap Of Faith ( The Flim Flam Brothers and Granny swimming),21.TestingTesting 1, 2, 3(Vynil Scratch),22.Trade Ya(The Discord Lamp),23.Inspiration Manifestation(Rarity's eyes and horn),24.Equestria Games(Spike breathing red fire) and 25/26.Twilight's Kingdom ( Tirek, Twilight's Key).

As always I hope you like it! ( It was a pain drawing more than 50 ponies in one picture, but this season deserved that and more). :D
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2338x1700px 1.33 MB
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Detective88's avatar
This was my favorite season. This should've been the final one. :D