Discord's backstory part 9seriousdog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seriousdog/art/Discord-s-backstory-part-9-398245994seriousdog

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Discord's backstory part 9



Well, this page pretty much starts the third act. Celestia's battle will start at some point of the next two pages. Don't ask why Discord doesn´t have his beard or horns yet, you'll see it in a few pages. Also, I'm sure no one saw the final twist coming! I´m sorry if someone is grossed out by the transformation scene, but the dry blood on our crystal loving overlord's horn needed an explication. Over all, I hope you are liking the comic so far, and I hope you enjoy this page. Comment with your thoughts, please. :3

First part: seriousdog.deviantart.com/art/…
Previous part: seriousdog.deviantart.com/art/…
Next part: seriousdog.deviantart.com/art/…
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Zeta-la-Falena's avatar
So Sombra was green?