Discord's backstory part 24seriousdog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seriousdog/art/Discord-s-backstory-part-24-412978416seriousdog

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Discord's backstory part 24



Discord's mind games have made their first appearance! He's trying to use Celestia's guilt against her, like he did in the show with the mane 6! Luckily, Luna is there, and she can't be corrupted that easily...for now. Anyway, the comic is almost over ( there are only a couple of pages left or so) but I'm making a spin off comic. The link to the first page will be in the last page of this one. I hope you are liking the story so far and, as always, comment if you want. :)

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Zeta-la-Falena's avatar
Hm, I could see Celestia's conscience do this to her as well, she definitely did this with Luna. I almost thought it could have been Sombra's evil beginning, but he uses fear, not guilt.