Discord's backstory part 23seriousdog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seriousdog/art/Discord-s-backstory-part-23-411957736seriousdog

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Discord's backstory part 23



Part 23 of this comic is finally here (again, this is not the last part)!! Sorry for the long wait, it was Halloween and I was busy with the Halloween-themed drawings. OK, so Discord is now a statue, but Celestia feels kinda sorry, because they grew up together. The chaos has disappeared... mostly (those who read the IDW comics know that this zone is still quarantined). Also, check out  Krumm and Oblina's cameos in the first panel! XDD The guard is alive after all, and it seems that Sombra survived the fall too... but the canon series will fix that up! I hope you like this page, as well as the overall comic. You can leave a comment with your thoughts, if you want!

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MommyEris123's avatar
Nvm the guard isn't dead hooray!