Discord's backstory part 18seriousdog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seriousdog/art/Discord-s-backstory-part-18-405269949seriousdog

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Discord's backstory part 18



Finally, Discord shows up to steal the elements for the first time! I think one diamond dog looks familiar... Anyway, the Secretariat comet is an element from the IDW comics, and it's presence causes a great magic storm around the world. In this comic, that's how the elements were created and, in my headcanon, that's how the princesses were born (a tiny picture of the event is in page 14). The battle is already here, so brace yourselves for the final showdown between the princesses and Discord (I think we all know who is gonna win)! I hope you like this page and the overall story arc! Comment with your thoughts if you want! :D

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Zeta-la-Falena's avatar
I know it's head canon, and sorry, but Derpy and the Doc and a guard vs the changelings? Maybe there were less, but they were even too much for the mane six. And why are the princesses always captured so easily? I mean in the show, as well. And a comet, creating all of that? If you've read the other comments first, you know why I sigh about that. Actually, Lauren Faust has apparently said that Tia and Luna had a mother, though they didn't have parents who outranked them.