Discord's backstory part 11seriousdog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seriousdog/art/Discord-s-backstory-part-11-398878883seriousdog

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Discord's backstory part 11



Discord's final " Face Heel Turn" mirrors both Magical Mystery Cure and his first appearance in The Return of Harmony. I hope you like the background of the cosmic zone. I picture Star Swirl as having the same voice as Discord in this part. Beware, now Discord has all of Star Swirl's in power, and remember that his main hability is that he can use all the in power he has without natural restrictions! celestia will start the battle in the next part. I hope you enjoy this one and, please, leave your comment! :D

First part: seriousdog.deviantart.com/art/…
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Zeta-la-Falena's avatar
So, maybe you're saying the amulet's powers were drained to Discord, and affected Trixie less than it could have? I get that you're saying Sombra lived so long and was still powerful because he wore the amulet for years. Yet he never tried anything crazy like enslaving ponies until later, or hurting those in his way (other than Cookie)?