Castle Mane-ia title cardseriousdog on DeviantArt

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Castle Mane-ia title card



This episode was leaked, I think we all know that. I've been avoiding spoilers as far as I could... but now it's saturday and, as I don't have The Hub, I decided to watch It. If you don't like spoilers (even If i'm not going to give anything away) don't read the part below .XD

This was a pretty fun episode. The humor was spot on and the characters where well portrayed (something very important, as this is a new writer). There were a lot of subplots ( my favourite was Fluttershy constantly being scared for Angel's life all the time when he was just having a great time all along :D). Aside from that, the great pacing and the great animation( this season is looking gorgeous so far when it comes to animation!) there isn't anything else that stands out. It's an very fun episode of FIM, and that's not a bad thing by any means ( also, I didn't saw the plot twists coming! I know some of you found them predictable but.. I didn't). Overall, I liked this one a lot!

I hope you like this title card. Comment if you want, so I can improve for the next season 4 title cards! :)

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Toonwatcher's avatar
I prefer "Castle-Mania". The way you have it spelled here is just too much of a pun.