Simple Lightgreensergbel on DeviantArt

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sergbel's avatar

Simple Lightgreen



Updated the code a bit
A :iconstrawberry-hunter: requested me to make a skin :D so here it is :D it will be made in different colors ;)
The general design was made by :iconikue:

The skin supports all kind of stuff like: blockquotes, theses, emoticons, lists, font decorations etc
bold test, italic test, em test, <div class="colored">colored text</div > etc

Default lists are colored but you can override it by using a span inside li like this:
<li>this is will be colored</li >
<li><span>use span inside li to ommit color</span></li >

Other skins: [link]
Enjoy using it ;) demo-> [link]

Other colors:
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meiows's avatar
I love everything about this skin! It's so clutter-free! :)