
Revised: A black Rose

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sergant-cwalk's avatar

Literature Text

like a flower stands out in the dirt,
Like a cloud stands out in the sky,
a black rose stands out in a bed of red,
A wicked plant, who's true essence is darkness,
to pick this wicked rose is to choose a life of pain and depression,
even in a heart of darkness, "There is a light, a light that never goes out."
But a heart with true essence of of love stands out among all,
like a young child stands out in a crowd of adults,
a Black rose returns to red,
The hearts true essence is love...
this is just the improved version of the poem, i meant to submit it that day but did not have the actual poem in front of me to type it down so i was trying to remeber it from memory. well here it is the real version.
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