15 min read

Deviation Actions

SerenaHarmonia's avatar
Tagged by :iconsooty123: I Hate You Computer..Onion 

For this, use this generator:…

Keep it on one pokemon unless the question tells you otherwise... 

Pokedex is national dex... 
Any type unless told to... 
Don't exclude legendaries or not fully evolved pokemon...

You can evolve your pokemon anytime...
there can be more than one Pokemon (including legendaries)...
tag 5 people at the end..

1. You are starting your pokemon journey! What is your starter?

 Gengar#94 - Gengar ghostpoison 

Not bad, not bad at all!

2. Your rival shows up! What is his first pokemon?

Hippopotas#449 - Hippopotas ground

*Laughs silently*

3. You two battle and, of course, you win. You go out onto route 1 and meet a Pokemon! You catch it and it is…

Jellicent#593 - Jellicent waterghost

4. You come to the first town and heal your pokemon. A bug trainer comes up and says he wants to battle. his pokemon are... (pick two bug type pokemon)

Ledian#166 - LedianbugflyingScatterbug#664 - Scatterbugbug

5. Out on the second route, a youngster sees you. Battle!

Golduck#55 - Golduckwater
.-. kids these days

6. Next town! There's a water gym here. You fight through the gym trainers and get to the gym leader! what are her pokemon? (pick two water types)

Lotad#270 - LotadwatergrassQuagsire#195 - Quagsirewaterground


7. You have won! starting to go out of town your rival shows up. He wants to battle. (write down his first pokemon and then pick another)

Hippopotas#449 - Hippopotas groundGyarados-mega#130 - Gyarados-megawaterdark


8. You win. Outside of town there's a house where someone offers to give you a pokemon. What is it?

Bidoof#399 - Bidoofnormal

sigh Facepalm 
9. On the next route, you meet a grunt of the evil team here trying to steal a little boy's pokemon. He tells you to scram, but instead you battle! (Pick two dark types.)

Tyranitar-mega#248 - Tyranitar-megarockdarkCarvanha#318 - Carvanhawaterdark

10. You beat him and he runs off. You reach the next city, where a normal type gym reigns. Battling through, you reach the gym leader. What are his pokemon? (2 normal types)

Happiny#440 - HappinynormalFarfetch#83 - Farfetch'dnormalflying

Caramel dansen emote 
11. Win! Onto the next town! On the next route, a hex maniac offers to guide you through the mountain in front of you, with a battle. (pick two ghost types)

Honedge#679 - HonedgesteelghostBanette-mega#354 - Banette-megaghost


12. On the way through the mountain you meet your next pokemon! What is it?

Porygon2#233 - Porygon2normal

PewDiePie - Wat 
13. Next town and it has a ghost gym! You've gotten to the gym leader and she has... (pick three ghost types)

Aegislash-blade#681 - Aegislash-bladesteelghostMismagius#429 - MismagiusghostDusclops#356 - Dusclopsghost

14. You've won and are making your way through a forest. An aroma lady wants to battle! (three grass types)

Exeggcute#102 - ExeggcutegrasspsychicTreecko#252 - TreeckograssWhimsicott#547 - Whimsicottgrass

Fits it.
15. Heading to the town, you meet with the evil team again! They're trying to steal an ancient relic; you need to battle the admin! (Three dark types)

Pawniard#624 - PawniarddarksteelDeino#633 - DeinodarkdragonShiftry#275 - Shiftrygrass

Spam-in-a-Box: HAHAHA 
16. You've won, but they make off with the relic. In the next town, there's no gym, but your rival wants to battle! (first two pokemon and pick two more.)

Hippopotas#449 - Hippopotas groundGyarados-mega#130 - Gyarados-megawaterdark Chingling#433 - ChinglingpsychicMonferno#391 - Monfernofirefighting
what Soundwave 

17. On the next route, a lass would like to battle. (pick 2, I guess...?)
Raichu#26 - RaichuelectricPelipper#279 - Pelipperwater

18. The next town has a dark type gym! You reach the gym leader and he has... (3 dark types)

Spiritomb#442 - SpiritombghostdarkHoundour#228 - HoundourdarkfireGreninja#658 - Greninjawaterdark

19. On the way to the next city, you have to pass through a desert. There, you catch your next pokemon.
Froakie#656 - Froakiewater
C-cute */////*

20. You've reached the city! They have a gym, but before you can go in, your rival appears! (First four pokemon and one more)
Hippopotas#449 - Hippopotas groundGyarados-mega#130 - Gyarados-megawaterdark Chingling#433 - ChinglingpsychicMonferno#391 - Monfernofirefighting Sneasel#215 - Sneaseldarkice
how about no

21. You go into the gym and find it loves fire here. Reaching the gym leader, he has... (3 fire types)
Numel#322 - NumelfiregroundCombusken#256 - CombuskenfirefightingReshiram#643 - Reshiramdragon
w-well i have a froakie...

22. Win! You end up surfing on the next route and run into a fisherman. (4 water types)

Seadra#117 - SeadrawaterSwanna#581 - SwannawaterflyingStaryu#120 - StaryuwaterPrinplup#394 - Prinplupwater
23. Next city is overrun with the evil team! You need to kick this admin's butt! (4 poison types)

Kakuna#14 - KakunabugpoisonKoffing#109 - KoffingpoisonNidoqueen#31 - NidoqueenpoisongroundTrubbish#568 - Trubbishpoison
24. You've run them out and you're onto the gym! Electric types reign here! (4 electric types)

Luxio#404 - LuxioelectricManectric-mega#310 - Manectric-megaelectricRaikou#243 - RaikouelectricAmpharos-mega#181 - Ampharos-megaelectricdragon  
25. Time to go north to an icy town! As you walk through some snow on the route, you meet an ace trainer! (3 pokemon)

Timburr#532 - TimburrfightingBulbasaur#1 - BulbasaurgrasspoisonTangrowth#465 - Tangrowthgrass

26. As you reach the city, you see the team on the mountain above the snow covered city. You can't go up until you beat the gym, though. Fight the ice! (4 ice types)

Glalie#362 - GlalieiceAbomasnow-mega#460 - Abomasnow-megagrassiceAurorus#699 - AurorusrockiceSmoochum#238 - Smoochumicepsychic

27. As you climb the mountain to stop the team, you're stopped by a hiker. (3 rock types)
Terrakion#639 - TerrakionrockfightingSolrock#338 - SolrockrockpsychicNosepass#299 - Nosepassrock


28. You reach the top to find the team trying to raise an evil force! You must stop them by defeating the boss! (2 dark, 2 poison)

Zweilous#634 - ZweilousdarkdragonSpiritomb#442 - Spiritombghostdark
Oddish#43 - OddishgrasspoisonVenusaur-mega#3 - Venusaur-megagrasspoison

29. You defeat them and head into warmer climates for the last city. Along the way, you catch one more friend!

Emboar#500 - Emboarfirefighting

30. The last gym is grass type gym!(4 grass types)
Serperior#497 - SerperiorgrassSunkern#191 - SunkerngrassVictreebel#71 - VictreebelgrasspoisonSkiddo#672 - Skiddograss
31. Time for the Pokemon league! As you go in, a Dragon trainer pops out! (2 dragon types)

Sliggoo#705 - SliggoodragonPalkia#484 - Palkiawaterdragon

32. farther in, a woman offers you a trade. Will you accept? *optional*

Scolipede#545 - Scolipedebugpoison
fuck off bidoof

33. As you near the exit, your rival shows up. And of course, he wants to battle. (First five and one more)

Hippopotas#449 - Hippopotas groundGyarados-mega#130 - Gyarados-megawaterdark Chingling#433 - ChinglingpsychicMonferno#391 - Monfernofirefighting Sneasel#215 - Sneaseldarkice 
Deoxys-speed#386 - Deoxys-speedpsychicNope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope 

34. healing up, you start your E4 challenge. First up is a Rock master! (5 rock types)
Rampardos#409 - RampardosrockCarracosta#565 - CarracostawaterrockLarvitar#246 - LarvitarrockgroundAurorus#699 - AurorusrockiceAerodactyl-mega#142 - Aerodactyl-megarockflying
35. Next is the Psychic Master! (5 psychic types)
Lugia#249 - LugiapsychicflyingSlowbro#80 - SlowbrowaterpsychicMeowstic#678 - MeowsticpsychicLunatone#337 - LunatonerockpsychicChimecho#358 - Chimechopsychic

36. Ground master is next! (5 ground types)

Sandslash#28 - SandslashgroundRhydon#112 - RhydongroundrockGastrodon#423 - GastrodonwatergroundHippopotas#449 - HippopotasgroundVibrava#329 - Vibravagrounddragon

37. And last before the champion... the Steel master! (5 steel types)
Dialga#483 - DialgasteeldragonAggron-mega#306 - Aggron-megasteelForretress#205 - ForretressbugsteelExcadrill#530 - ExcadrillgroundsteelSteelix#208 - Steelixsteelground

38. And the champion is... a flying type master. To your battle station! (6 flying types)

Thundurus#642 - ThunduruselectricflyingCharizard-mega-x#6 - Charizard-mega-xfireflyingJumpluff#189 - JumpluffgrassflyingDodrio#85 - DodrionormalflyingXatu#178 - XatupsychicflyingYanma#193 - Yanmabugflying

39. You've won! write down your pokemon and their nicknames if they have any!

 Gengar#94 - Ulithghostpoison 
Jellicent#593 - Baka waterghost
Porygon2#233 - SpamBotnormal
Froakie#656 - CUTEASSwater
Emboar#500 - HOT PIGfirefighting
Scolipede#545 - Mah darling bugpoison

TAG :iconreina-kitsune:
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Sooty123's avatar
You got a BIDOOF :dummy:

*flips desk right back at you*