Themed Feature - Where we live

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serel's avatar

Sometimes I wonder what possessed people to build their houses where they did. I'l admit, some of these were pobably never meant for living, but anyway, enjoy this new themed feature!


Meanach Bothy, Scotland II by younghappy
Saudarkrokur by Dark-Raptor In the fjord by KennethSolfjeld
romantic cottage by zero- Chalet by katelynpl
Lonely house by whiter-shade
Scotland 17 by MatthiasHaltenhof Building on the Ocean by dorwein
Adventureland by SerenataPhotography
Kingdom by RobinHalioua
Cliffs at Rackwick by Rajmund67 A good place to live by Dark-Raptor
Old farm - Ittur II by lailalta The Little House by Philippe-Albanel
Glenbrittle II by danUK86
Meteora by peterdimo green by snoeby
Ohhh Beautiful Sperrins YEAH by younghappy
Some to Dream by Kalabint
Mountain Pasture Hut by batmantoo Hut on the hill by lica20
BEFORE THE DAY ENDS by steinliland Into the Blue by OlivierAccart

Small House by Rykardo Home is home, matter how small by Yokheved
Mt Hood and Barn by La-Vita-a-Bella Lone icelandic house by DCMP Lone House by Croc-blanc
Last call by Skycode Lonely House by Celem
forsaken in winter by JustOldPurpleAngel
Lonely House by cleochen Feel lonely? by jlengrand
Lone House on the Cliff by Lex-D
The Warming Hut by CezarMart
Lonely House by BusterBrownBB cliff house by simplicitance
House above the clouds by dmkdmkdmk Full Moon Rising Over Mt. Whitney by narmansk8
Hut in the mountains by WojciechDziadosz
Scotland 07 by MatthiasHaltenhof Autumn in Tuscany Landscape by kanes
Craa Nest Museum by Rajmund67 House On The Bay by nosferatud2
My dream house by RobinHalioua
Holbav 05 by adypetrisor New Town by rdalpes
Lofoten dream by Springstein Herdalsetra - resubmit by HansHaram
Surprise Guest at Mormon Row by SonjaPhotography
Lonely Cottage by FrederikM Sweden 10 by mjagiellicz The Lonely White House by Dee-T
Bathing in Mornings Glow by duvessa2 Last Known Surroundings II by NicolasAlexanderOtto Meteora Monastery by KirlianCamera
Hexenhaus by MatthiasHaltenhof



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Kalabint's avatar
Thanks for mentioning my Picture, Love the Collection, nicly done :)