serel | Photography | Germany
Hello dear visitor,
welcome to my little page of photos. Take a look and if you have any questions, just ask. Feedback in the form of comments, critiques, faves or watches is most welcome!

I'm a hobby photographer who is trying to find her focus. Sometimes I'm very active and then times flies by fast and I didn't do anything at all. That's just life I guess. I also enjoy featuring others and did so on a regular basis - visit my journals for more.
I won't thank you for every single fave, although it's very appreciated. What I will do, though, is answer every comment, give back every llama and visit your gallery each time you interact with me in any way. It might take some time and you won't necessarily notice me, but I will take a look. Promise.
Thank you for stopping by!
Canon EOS 450D with standard kit lens (EF-S 18-55mm)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX3

Gimp (previously Ulead Photo Impact) for editing