Rydia of Mistseraphimon83 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seraphimon83/art/Rydia-of-Mist-613037341seraphimon83

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Rydia of Mist



This girl (along with Terra) are my favorite characters in all of Final Fantasy. 

Her story is so tragic. As a little kid I felt so sad what happened to her mother. While she is with you you'll see her grow up a bit... and then a lot of bit when she becomes an adult and a full fledged Caller and Black Mage. 

Every once in awhile I'll go back to sketching her, or making a full drawing of her. I love her design and trying to make a good image with her Mist Dragon is too much fun to ignore for too long. 

Final Fantasy 4 was my first FF game. My cousin introduced me to FF1 on the NES and I beat that one without him but it still has not felt as much my own as FF4 has over the years. Time after time, I'll replay my Game Boy Advance one all the time.

I'll find myself back on the moon just in time to stop Zeromus.
When I'm daydreaming I'll be back in Baron among the airships. 
My ipod has some tracks that take me back to a time before Tellah sacrificed himself. 

What event from the game did you love? 
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