Optimus Prime: War For Cybertronseraphimon83 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seraphimon83/art/Optimus-Prime-War-For-Cybertron-613045456seraphimon83

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seraphimon83's avatar

Optimus Prime: War For Cybertron



Completed April 2016

Dangit, I can't tell you enough how much I loved this game. Fall of Cybertron too. Both beautiful, epic, high adventure games that take you through the history of Cybertron's last days before the planet de-powered and became too barren to sustain any of the Transformers. Thus, setting the stage for their exodus to Earth. 

Are there Expedia or Travelocity fares to take me to Cybertron? Do you think my airline will charge extra for a carry-on? 

One of the fun things to hear from guests when I debuted Optimus at the Cyber City Con show in town was them pointing at him and gasping "the Path Blaster!" with their mouths open. I tried my ass of to draw that one as best I could. Go see my instagram. It felt like two weeks just focused on that part of the drawing. But I did it! 

All this robot stuff drawing feels new to me. Even though I did the original Megazord last year, drawing the Transformers felt new. And I can't even begin to tell you why. Perhaps its because unlike the Megazord, the Transformers are autonomic. They're like people with their own characteristics. Drawing the ever steady soldier Optimus Prime, defending the capital city of Iacon, felt like drawing a person more than a mech or a weapon. 
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© 2016 - 2024 seraphimon83
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Crossz-Grimlock's avatar
I prefer Optimus’s war for cybertron look over his fall of cybertron look it’s the head that I prefer not the body