Favourite Visual Artist
Akihiko Yoshida
Favourite Movies
Dark City, Nosferatu - Eine symphonie der grauen, Wall-E, 8 1/2, Rashomon, Blade Runner, Zatoichi, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Paprika
Favourite TV Shows
Black Adder, Doctor Who, The X Files, Buffy the vampire slayer, Cowboy Bebop, Black Lagoon, Hellsing
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sepultura, Metallica, Motörhead, The Murderdolls, Tchaikovski, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Nobuo Uematsu, Yasunori Mitsuda, Matt Uelmen, Black Sabbath, Hitoshi Sakimoto
Favourite Books
The Cycle of Elric, Gargantua, Dune, L'Autre Monde - Les Empires et Etats de la Lune et du Soleil, Waylander, Dracula, Carmilla, Han d'Islande, Le Horla
Favourite Writers
Michael Moorcock, David Gemmell, Frank Herbert, J.R.R. Tolkien, Molière
Favourite Games
Too much to list! D:
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
CSP, Photoshop, ballpen, ClickTeam Fusion, GameMaker, UE4
Other Interests
Sociology, History, Politics, Languages, Bass guitar.