Ryder n' Rolanda - Summer Breaktime - DesingAHVSephzero on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sephzero/art/Ryder-n-Rolanda-Summer-Breaktime-DesingAHV-534622900Sephzero

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Ryder n' Rolanda - Summer Breaktime - DesingAHV



Image done by DesingAHV
Character created by TF-SquareSting and Gearlordex

 Summer has rolled out for most. Which means school is out for most. That means it is time for Ryder to hang up the school stuff and have some fun of her own. Though that means that Rolanda gets to enjoy her own kind of summer break too. Though it remains to be seen how well the two can balance so much free time between the two of them. What kind of fun sort of craziness the two of them might be looking forward to here.

Rolanda-Face by Sephzero I like to go to the beach! Swimsuits! Ocean! So much fun to be had.
Ryder-Face by Sephzero I quite agree. Maybe some lovely hunk can help spread some lotion on me or maybe you. :la:

Character Profile - Profile - Ryder Collins X Rolanda McRaghe by Sephzero
Image size
611x785px 340.29 KB
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AskEmberFlametongue's avatar
They are the same person right?