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SystemBar(V10) VR1.1



SystemBar(V10) by Sephirotess:

SystemBar(V10): bars for resources of the system (CPU, battery, Ram, Swap, HDDs...).

Options :

- 2 languages: English and French,
- text color can be modified,
- 12 appearances,
- easy configuration.

Details: percentages are hidden. Displace the mouse on the text, in order to see them. Use the middle click of the mouse in order to change appearance of the skins. You can see some of them in the screenshot.

- CPU: CPU used,

- Battery: battery level,

- Ram: Ram used,

- Swap: Swap used,

- HDD (3 drives): shows the letter and indicates the used space,

- GPU: GPU used. With MSIAfterBurner (plugin by Nick Connors),

- Recycle Bin: the skin shows the number of present files and their size. When the number of files reached the limit (fixed at 250), a sound is played. Left click open recycle bin. Right click empty it,  

- Process: shows the most active process (AdvancedCpu).

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Dgonix's avatar
Add the Russian language.