Sentinal-Interactive on DeviantArt

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Sentinal-Interactive's avatar

Raptor III



All models found on this account are strictly copyrighted to Sentinal Interactive and Dynasty Weapons.

The model is a fighter jet aircraft and was modeled by :icongalactic-outlaws: and textured by Salvador Felix for an upcoming air and land based science fiction MMO.

If you are interested here are the available and unavailable roles:
:bulletgreen: Texture Artists
:bulletgreen: Concept Artists
:bulletgreen: 3D Modelers
:bulletgreen: Environment Designers
:bulletred: Programmers
:bulletred: Directors

Members of the project have a chance to be part of the development of the game and can be subject to be paid as the progress of the game continues. If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact us via a NOTE.
Image size
461x324px 120.8 KB
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