Crystal Empire LimitaneaSensko on DeviantArt

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Crystal Empire Limitanea



Another piece for the Crystal Empire (I'll probably redo the Lancer as well, since he looks a bit akward next to my newer ponies).
Simplified the crystal guard armour a bit and removed the helmet crest five this one a little more basic look.
Finally got my new tablet to run and it's actually been quite fun; hpe to have something nice to post on here shortly.

In other news, I actually really enjoyed the recent Yak episode.
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1369x1837px 247.11 KB
© 2017 - 2025 Sensko
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silverbolt999's avatar
is a Late Roman Empire Units used by both Western and Eastern Empires.They're Light-Medium Troops that are Versatile since they use all weapons they can use.
They're being used in the Border of the Empire,since Limitanei's job is simple,hold the enemy so that the Cominatenses can come to save the Empire from invasion.