senshuu on DeviantArt

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senshuu's avatar

The Apple



Drawn for Infectious's Cut to the Core challenge. [link]

It's a mac laptop skin based off the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (or simply the "Tree of Knowledge"). But really it's all about cool snakes, and an idea involving eating that was cooler than my original idea (zany monsters trying to eat it, maybe in some weird crude medieval-inspired design).

Voting is currently still open for my piece for the next week! Support if you like. :heart: To support, you either need to sign up with Facebook or create an account on that site. Next, you need to hit "lots" on the Love-o-Meter to the image's right.

There're lots of astounding submissions to that contest. :D
Image size
650x800px 191.67 KB
© 2009 - 2024 senshuu
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Kipestshin's avatar
That totally rocks! ^___^
