Star Wars: Millennium FalconSencneS on DeviantArt

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Star Wars: Millennium Falcon



I showed the IRC chat channel I vist often my deviant page and someone asked me about my new avatar.
He wanted a full size high resolution version of it but didn't want a black background.

The object is not my own. I got it from a CD at a local 3D Artist convention. Each object had a text file about it and the artist apart from this one and a couple other Star Wars objects. If you know who modeled this or are the modeler shoot me an e-mail and I'll include the name with the object and update the wallpaper with your name. With verification you are the artist.

Although this is probably the most detailed and accurate millennium falcon I have seen it was poorly modeled. It could use a major overhaul and actual "JOINED" sections not just parts sitting on top of eachother.

Total Render Time 1:18:21 - Normally a 1600x1200 at the level of detail would render in a faction of the time.
Image size
1600x1200px 637.59 KB
© 2004 - 2025 SencneS
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BlindIllusionist's avatar
Nicely done! The texture seems to be a bit blurry...