semper-n-aeternum on DeviantArt

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semper-n-aeternum's avatar

Cat Trade



So, this guy was very interesting to draw. He's my first time drawin an EB, so I hope everything is alright Cat. Just let me know if I need to fix anything. <3 c: First time with horns like that on a horse too, so yeah.. I apologize for their funkiness. x'3

But thank you so much for the designs! <3 We both love them! c:

Character: Cat-Orb
Art: semper-n-aeternum
Image size
2430x2184px 1.25 MB
© 2014 - 2024 semper-n-aeternum
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Cat-Bells's avatar
AMG AMG AAAAMMMGGG! :iconomgtearsplz: It's so bootyful!
Thank you so much!!!:la: The horns aren't weird at al, I love how you made them look like they have a pearly sheen on them!:love:
And his canines look awesome too!:dummy: And his fluffies, and his face, and the shading and BLARGLARGAHRGAGH!!!:iconfoamguyplz: