Here is the list with all requests!
-Victoria (PACK)
-Nana (After School) PNGS
-Lee Da Hae
-Juniel (Him Magazine)
-Hyunyoung (Rainbow)
strikethrough - uploaded in the site
bold - Making
Thanks for the 1062 watchers!
Thank you very much.
I did not expect much! Thank you so much.
But now I am sorry for the late for make the pngs of requests.
My computer spoiled and I lost the images and some pngs for some packs.
I'm going to make the pngs and upload they here soon.
I'm sorry.
This is my first Journal.
And this not is good.
Because I found people catching my renders and putting them how to was his.
Please don't do this.
how I know is my render?because I leave some wrongs in the image and with this I can identify,because it is much coincidence the person making the render and make the same mistakes as me!
Please do not steal my renders.
Thanks so much attention and sorry for the inconvenience.
SOrry for the wrongs my english not is good.
By: Sellscarol