Locura's pixelzSelkys on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/selkys/art/Locura-s-pixelz-295333409Selkys

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Locura's pixelz



Yay, it's :iconnephyla: 's birthday !
What does it means ? One more year of crazy-psycho-luv-procrastination together :iconexcitedlaplz: !

Ha, and a gift, of course !

This year, I've drawn many of her characters so... I've decided to make something else than an illustration. And I'm just in my "moar pixelz plz period", so it was the perfect timing ! (apart the fact that those little pixel arts take me a life to do, I must go fasteeeer).

So here are some of the Locura's characters ! Will you recognize them ?

I LUV U MY DEAR ^3^3^3^3^
Image size
1200x763px 242.3 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Selkys
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OceanLord's avatar
haha pas mal du tout comme idée, c'est original =D
On se croirait revenus dans les vieux jeux Lucas Art :p