The Middle of the TaleSelenaEde on DeviantArt

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The Middle of the Tale



Here is the first part of :iconedengotterrcyan:'s 3 part "story" request.

Here we have the second of the 3 images, the middle and climax of the tale. Tarzan and Mowgli are being protected by Kala and Bagheera while Kerchak and Baloo take care of the attacking Sabor. Kaa has taken Bagheera by surprise.

This request had several guidelines, but there was one that was giving me trouble: drawing my own background. I was never satisfied with how it turned out, which is why I have been avoiding my request back up as of late. Ultimately I decided to use a preexisting background, so hopefully edengotterrcyan doesn't mind.

Tarzan, Mowgli, Kala, Bagheera, Kaa, Kerchak, Sabor & Baloo (c) Disney

The Beginning: [link]
The End: [link]
Image size
1503x547px 646.36 KB
© 2012 - 2025 SelenaEde
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Don't worry I have a light saber that'll slice that sentient fur rug in pieces!