The End of the TaleSelenaEde on DeviantArt

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SelenaEde's avatar

The End of the Tale



Or is it?!?!?!!

Here is the third part of :iconedengotterrcyan:'s 3 part "story" request.

Here we have the third of the 3 images, the end and conclusion of the tale. Tarzan, Mowgli, Kala, Kerchak, Bagheera and Baloo settle down for a nap. Little do they know, Kaa survived and is watching them once more.

Characters (c) Disney

The Beginning: [link]
The Middle: [link]
Image size
974x458px 511.09 KB
© 2012 - 2025 SelenaEde
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FoxTeen0206's avatar
I often wonder what it would be like to sleep with an ape like Kala, her warm fur and arms.