Disney's Once Upon A TimeSelenaEde on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/selenaede/art/Disney-s-Once-Upon-A-Time-345590441SelenaEde

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Disney's Once Upon A Time



At the suggestion of :icondinalfos5: I decided to put up this oldie. Actually only Emma, Henry and Snow are old, I just finished Charming and Regina.

So we have Emma Swan, Snow White, Prince Charming, Henry Mills and the Evil Queen from ABC's Once Upon A Time in the Disney style. Once Upon A Time is an awesome show might I add.

Emma, Snow, Charming, Henry & Queen Regina (c) Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz
Disney style (c) Disney
Image size
819x614px 626.11 KB
© 2012 - 2025 SelenaEde
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SnowBeautyMlp's avatar
Its cool how in Once Upon A Time they made Snow White's hair not short like the animation, also congrats, its an amazing piece of art.