Sekoiya's Credits!

6 min read

Deviation Actions

SekoiyaStoryteller's avatar

This is the deviantArt edition of my Credits, the place where I list in gratitude all the big-hearted and generous people who support me at my Patreon account: :bulletorange:… :bulletorange: I shall link to these Credits in the descriptions of my deviations. Depending on the reward tier chosen, people will have their names listed OR their names and two links of their choosing (to things they want to draw traffic to, like their website or their comic or whatever, as long as it’s honest and clean). Since this is the dA edition, I shall also be choosing up to two deviations of theirs to list as well. All people listed will also be featured on my website’s Credits whether they are given links or not. :bulletblue: imaginationsflightiestescapade… :bulletblue: (PLEASE NOTE: I am waiting to install a secure connection [https] on my website before I get back into it, so the Credits there will be updated at that point.)


:bulletorange: Laurel P.
Art Trade: Toward the Light by laurel-tree Golden Dragon by laurel-tree


:bulletblack:Joseph Dirrim
RBB Update: 300 by Jedder77 Commando Kenobi and Manson by Jedder77

:bulletblack: Isis Prosser

:bulletblack: TheLOAD

:bulletblack: RobinHoude

:bulletblack: PoisonShadow

:bulletgreen: Floreloyx
summer rain 2 by floreloyx out exploring the back 40! by floreloyx

:bulletorange: Victor Vila…
Going nowhere. by victordragon747 FOUR ELEMENTS IN A MANHATTAN AFTERNOON by victordragon747

:bulletblack: Olivia Sorensen

:bulletblue: L D
Luna reference by Dantedragon TSoP Act 1, Scene 1, page 1 by Dantedragon

:bulletblack: Neil Kaskoun

:bulletpurple: SilveryStormWing…
Spacedust Adopt OTA(looking for offers!) by SilveryStormWing I see you, stranger by SilveryStormWing

:bulletblack: NomexGlove

Learning to Fall Part 1                It had only been a handful of weeks since Tom, Kim, and Irma had lost their humanity. All three of them now a species who’s only known name was the one given to them by an enigmatic alien supercomputer/AI who had earned the name Thumper in certain corners of the United States, although it was known by many other names in many other regions throughout the globe.
                Irma, Kim, and Tom had been growing steadily since their transformation. Long since leaving behind not only their forms, but their former statures as well. No longer constrained by extreme malnourishment brought about by their change. They now towered above all other fauna native to North America and very possibly the world. (The sole possible exception being the giraffe.) The black scaled creatures that they had become looked incredibly simila


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