Leipzig's naval factories.Seimour on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seimour/art/Leipzig-s-naval-factories-399706763Seimour

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Leipzig's naval factories.



The construction of an enormous naval arsenal in the city coupled with an early industrialisation gave birth to factories to supply the industry with large amounts of processed materials. From canal powered sawmills, hardware smiths and canon foundries, the naval district's industrial area provides jobs to the masses of uneducated laborers who toil under the watchful supervision of their overseers and the golems. Rather than relying on independant contractors to produce these goods, the government has set up deals with many of the wealthiest families in the business. HMRDM's government keeps an iron grip and a sharp eye on the activity of these partners and sometimes makes do without them when a project is deemed too important. The Stiftung I, II and III were all built from materials produced in this district.
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iceshark4's avatar
thats some wicked lighting :D