ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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So after 3 weeks of waiting, I finally got my 252 piece puzzle, which initially took two days to finish. I messed up by dropping it, but took only two hours the second time around.
The image quality is decent, but the thickness of the puzzle pieces are too thin, which makes it very fragile to move around and piece together.
Some pieces were rough around the edges, which made it obvious that it was not handled with care in the process of separating them apart.
I like the small box the puzzle came in with, and the image on the box looks very nice.
Overall: 6/10
The image quality is decent, but the thickness of the puzzle pieces are too thin, which makes it very fragile to move around and piece together.
Some pieces were rough around the edges, which made it obvious that it was not handled with care in the process of separating them apart.
I like the small box the puzzle came in with, and the image on the box looks very nice.
Overall: 6/10
Image size
1000x1500px 957.12 KB
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Awesome. Is there a site that does this for you? Who do you recommend to have make one?