
Pray for an end of Mingi

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Among some tribes in the Omo River Valley in southwestern Ethiopia

certain children are considered Mingi (Impure, Ritually polluted)

Reasons for being declared Mingi are:

Being born out of wedlock.

Being the result of an unplanned pregnancy.

Being born a twin.

Being born with a cleft lip or palate.

Being born with some sort of deformity or imperfection.

Having one's genitals injured in some way.

Having ones teeth develop in the upper jaw before the lower jaw.

Chipping a tooth during childhood.

Children declared Mingi are considered cursed by the spirits.

It is believed that if allowed to live a Mingi child will bring misfortune to the community.

Children declared Mingi are either abandoned to die or killed outright.

Mingi children are either drowned, starved, or, in the case of infants,

have dirt stuffed in their mouths so that they choke to death.

The Karo tribe officially banned the practice of mingi in July 2012,

However it remains an active part of the belief system in others.
It is believed as many as 686,000 individuals secretly practice

Please, please pray that this evil practice stop!

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pboy109's avatar

Hopefully the children will be free