Fairy tale - Composers and creatorssecondlina on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/secondlina/art/Fairy-tale-Composers-and-creators-416261971secondlina

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Fairy tale - Composers and creators



It took me ages, but I did it. I did a poster featuring the lads and ladies known as composers and collectors of fairy tales, and rulers of my heart. *laughs*

My two favorite things about this is that Collodi (creator of The Adventures of Pinocchio) looks like a Disney villain and that Scheherazade is front and center. I know she isn’t a real person, but she represents all the people who participated to the creation of the 1001 nights. 

This was used as an update in our Namesake guest week. Seemed à propos considering the comic’s plot.

This is available as a print here.

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2400x3000px 2.3 MB
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