Hey sebby I have a silly and random question about o.m.g. do u think Olga would be the type of person, when laughing for a long period of time she starts making motorcycles noises? It sounds like something she'd do XD
Like, snorting while laughing? Probably
Hi again Sebby! I’m back with another question. I’ve seen some of your animations and I think there really really really cool and I was wondering if you had any tips or short cuts that you did (or still do) with animation. I’m sorta trying to get into it myself but I really don’t know where to start. Ps, do you know what software you used with your animations. It’s completely fine if you don’t by the way. Extra ps, thx sm with those tips with character designing :)
I used Flash/Animate and uuuuh some cheap gif making software I forgot the name
I'm pretty sure he used to use flash before it was I thinkk removed, shut down or something among those words.
Flash player is dead so you can't watch SWF files online anymore, but the software to make flash animation still exists; you just export as a video file and upload on youtube or whatever.
you can still get SWF files to work on emulators such as Newgrounds Player and Ruffle