Hi, this is the artist formerly known as Sloppy Wet Pizza Dot Com Some of you may already know who I am, and some of you may not. Either way... You may be asking yourself; wtf is with the sites name? Well I am glad you asked, and if you didnt too bad your going to get the answer anyways. Once upon a time in the land of Paradise Valley, my roommate Ben [ who is also this sites designer, my web admin and digipal ], coined the phrase in what is now one of the most hilarious inside jokes of all time. Simply put, at the time we only had mayonnaise and bread to eat.. What?s so funny about that? I?m glad you asked. It was all in the pronunciation of those three words. Like all inside jokes they are generally only funny to those that were there at the time. So you may be sitting here reading this and scratching your head. I can only say you had to be there. Anywhoos, this is our site, M+B. It is a clusterbomb of art sauce & randomness in which may truly stimulate & tickle that sticky and gooey part of your brain where ones fancies lay quivering in the darkness of your skull. If you only have one fancy than hopefully this is just what you were looking for.