Failing Up Ch 3: One Small Thing by monsterslayerbunny, literature
Failing Up Ch 3: One Small Thing
“Miss Mayer.” Michelle's name chimed in her ears in a well rehearsed, high pitched tone. “Director Tann has been expecting you.”To anyone else this would have sounded like a string of jibberish played at ten times the speed and backwards; but for her it was just Salarian. A female Salarian specifically, she could tell from the practiced polite speech pattern reflecting that of privileged feminine upbringing. Not to mention the intimidatingly height of being over six foot two. By the sound of her voice she had to be young, maybe just a bit older than Sylas by three or four years at the most and her complexion was a rich and vibrant deep blu...
Wesminild - A Harry Potter Fanschool by SplitMaw, literature
Wesminild - A Harry Potter Fanschool
Wesminild Western American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Look under Houses for the link to the sorting quiz!) The School Wesminild is a wizarding school located in the western half of the United States, somewhere in Wyoming and it accepts students from all over North and Central America. Its location allows it to remain well hidden due to the state's low population and the vast wilderness. The building itself appears to any no-maj eye as nothing more than a barren outcropping of granite, while the acreage surrounding it appears to be no more than coniferous woodland. For further security measures, fencing surrounds the school ...
Zanpakutō Name: Bukkyōto (The Buddhist) Zanpakutō Appearance: The legendary blade of Mujuryoku, Bukkyōto, is sealed in katana holstered at the left side of his waist. The katana is simple, having a silver blade kept in pristine shape, sharpened to cut clean through almost anything and polished to the point it reflects images like most polished steel. The blade is given the necessary attention to maintain its fascinating condition, which is manually labored to maintain sharpness, and polished when needed by Mujuryoku himself. The handle is elegantly wrapped with a navy blue cloth over a light blue one that wraps around the wooden handle c...
My BTTF Part 3 Fic: Chapter 1 by prfctcellrulz, literature
My BTTF Part 3 Fic: Chapter 1
TRANSFORMERS: Back To The Future: Part IIIPrfctcellrulzs Back To The Future Part 3 Fanfic
Chapter 1: Wild, Wild West(December 7th, 1986)The next morning, the group were sleeping in Danny's room, the Autobots in their Alt Modes while Matrix slept on his Duel Runner, with Cosmo and Wanda sleeping in fish bowls. The TV was on all night with static until a TV program came on.Singer: (in the TV/singing) Love and marriage, Love and marriage...That woke Danny up.Danny: Huh? Married with Children's on? (Smiles) Cool! (Realizes) Holy crud! (Clutches his head) I nearly forgot.He then got out a tape recorder nearby and begins recording.Danny: Date, ...
Being among the racks of clothing in a store sometimes made Euli feel like she was lost in the jungle. Especially when it was a store with nothing in her size, and she was only there for Yulia. A jungle of very thin trees, and very thin inhabitants who would like to hunt her for sport if they could.
That maybe was unfair to the various girls and women who traipsed through such places, but she couldn’t help but feel it. Any time an eye lingered too long on her…she knew they had marked her out as other, as not belonging. And she knew all too well that some people would see her like prey, something that would be fun and satisfying to try to torment. It had been worse, when she had been a child and in children’s stores. Her parents had been cruel enough about her size, and other children had always been willing to add to it. It didn’t help that her skin stood out. Some people just thought she was tan… But she could always tell, when someone had clocked her with an…unfavorable opinion on
Raiden, Mario And Sonic Review Mega Madness Pt 3 by DV7The2ndComing, literature
Raiden, Mario And Sonic Review Mega Madness Pt 3
Raiden, Mario & Sonic Review Mega Madness Part 3We return to the 3 heroes and LOG.Sonic: Welcome back! Did you get your rest after the last part’s review? Good! Because there’s more where it came from! Unfortunately. Next game, Mass Effect Antromeda!Raiden-Mario: Oh boy.LOG: “Oh boy” indeed!*Let’s Play screen*Sonic: Mass Effect: Andromeda is a 2017 action role-playing game that is the latest game in the Mass Effect series since Mass Effect 3. It was developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. Why it sucks? Simple! The story is broken at a fundamental level in that it does not fit into the timeline of Mass Effect: the game's setu...
Clash of realms CHP18 by BrightKnightcrusader, literature
Clash of realms CHP18
Clash of RealmsCHP18: Team DevisingWhile walking down the halls and through his estate, much of the guards and other persons bowed their heads as each and every one of them recognized and admired princess Akasha. She was loved and valued just as much as the emperor. Moka was at the Dark Lord's side as they approached the double doors to his quarters and two guards who stood in front of it stepped aside as she approached, bowing their heads. Right away the two vampires entered and while Apollo wasn't at his desk, the harbinger stood in front of a board to the left of his workspace with a map and long list of names compiled over it. The map ...
MLP: The War With Woundwort by VISIONARYLEO, literature
MLP: The War With Woundwort
This story is set around in JusSonic’s MLP: Universe, set a few stories after Pinkamena’s Dragon Tale, somewhere after the events of Day Of Hollow’s End & other future stories. So enjoy the show, I know many have waited a long time to see me post some stories again, & here they are….~MLP: The War With WoundwortThe scene begins to open around a place known as…the Nest. It was here that sometime ago, Pinkamena & the Kirin Dragon named Azure, shared an adventure. Once used as an evil means to brainwash all dragons for an evil purpose, one of the beast kidnapped Pinkamena & when Azure attempted a rescue, he was struck down. Pinkamena encounter...
“So this Digimon named Dracmon has been behind all of this crazy stuff?” JP inquired, stunned and relieved at the same time. Kouichi had gathered the rest of the Chosen Children together at his house, filling them in on the latest turn of events and a new plan of action.No one could or wanted to believe that his own family had thrown out Takuya. It was a horrible thought.“Poor Takuya...” Tommy whispered. The others nodded solemnly.Kouichi inhaled sharply, “We have to help Takuya. Dracmon can manipulate him at will, so there's no way Takuya can defeat him.”“What are you saying?” Zoe asked, slightly nervous.“We need to take down Dracmon. Wit...
* Pic commissioned pic from cyzraName: KalanAun Teken'lyl
Race: 7/8 Drow, 1/8 Unknown (Fey Bloodline)
Class: Sorcerer 10 / Bladesinger 3
Age: 85
Weight: 106
Hair: White
Skin: Black/ebony
Eyes: Bright Blue
Walk: Very graceful and light
Voice quality: KalanAun has an elegant and soft voice. She is known, by those that value it, to have a beautiful singing voice.Bio: KalanAun is a pure blood drow, well not every drop of it, only her eyes of a startling brilliant blue give away her high elf blood (?). There is no hiding that flaw.
KalanAun is of house Teken'ly, the seventh daughter of the nine (living) children of the matron mother...
Act I, Chapter 3: Nobody Wants Him by TehSkullkid, literature
Act I, Chapter 3: Nobody Wants Him
Act I
Chapter 3: Nobody wants him ------------------------------------
6:03 AMChamber was strangely harmonizing and calm. Dark, but not sinister. Still. Static. Quiet. Had been entirely saturated with the pulp of ink. From the corner stretched a deep loving glow. Two-thirds of the cavern were obscured with black. Monitor’s glow gradually bloomed and reclaimed the final third.Appendages of light ribboned out. Outlined the space like blind man’s cane. Still, stony furniture jabbed out, edges muted by shadows. Colors suckled out by vampires’ teeth of the night. It was warm. Slinking into this domain would submerge you in feelings kin to those...
Friendship is Magic: Canterlot Style by JusSonic, literature
Friendship is Magic: Canterlot Style
Author's note
All right, time for another short story which features the return of the current season's premiere villain Starlight Glimmer. This takes place after shortly after the episode "Amending Fences" AND at the exact same time as "Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep?". Read on and enjoy!Friendship Is Magic: Canterlot StyleAt this very moment, something is occurring within Canterlot in where we find events taking place. A unicorn pony by the name of Moondancer was seen walking from the library to carrying some books in her little bag. As she was walking, she saw three other unicorn ponies that were seen waiting for her; they were Minu...
Lux Permanet: Chapter 14 by LightandDarkHeart, literature
Lux Permanet: Chapter 14
Chapter 14: Change Noctis sat on a stone bench. Slumped forward in his seat, the prince held his head in his hands. He was seated there, stuck in a kind stunned silence, listening as Lita and Tala recounted their recent adventure in Radiant Garden. Well, what they gave him was a condensed version at any rate. The girls left out the business with Reyna Beatrix and the Heartless’ attack on the city, mostly for the sake of the prince’s obviously frazzled nerves. Since none of his friends had gotten seriously injured in the skirmish, the information didn’t seem quite as important.
The last thing they needed was to give him heart palpit...
Chapter 2 'Good God man, I can't believe that ya missed us!'A shiver ran down my spine as a forced myself to open the door to my truck. It was butt ass cold outside, and I couldn't believe that Iowa wasn't warmer than this! It SHOULD have been at least 80 degrees, but apparently the news reporter meant after the layer of dark clouds goes away.I was pleased to find out that my friends had taken a fond liking to me. I wasn't expecting to have so many friends from just one day, but hey, I am a likable person. Our lunch table was always crowded, with people having to stand around it, or sitting on the table right next to it. I always had a se...