Cold And Tarnished Reputations by aflowerinbloom, literature
Cold And Tarnished Reputations
Suicidal tendencies,
making me pace around myself
as I eat my own words
with fork and spoon
or maybe both
who knows
I don't know
I guess thats what I have learned
once I open my heart
it gets cut open
for all
or for none
to see
whether or not
your seeing
the real me
you'll never know
for sure,
I am just so tired
I wish I could sleep and rest
let me rest,
rest in peace
rest in peace,
justice hardly in mind
just a piece of peace
is all I could ever long for
like a mouse
following a dangling piece of cheese
connected to a string
set on fire
leading to...
a stick of dynamite..I just wanna smash my head into the keyboards and see the debris fal...
Hope and Devotion Chapter 7 by psyco-chick28, literature
Hope and Devotion Chapter 7
Author's note: Thank you all for reviewing and subscribing to this. It all means so much to me. I'm writing a bit faster now that it's summer, and I have more time now.There's not much for me to say about this chapter except that while writing it I realized how little we really know about their religion in the game, except for a few snippets here and there. I actually, had to go through and talk to all the NPCs in Mt. Bur-Omisace, for this chapter. Any guesses as to what real world religions I used for inspiration to fill in the gaps?0o0A full four days, Rasler still had not woken up, although his condition was improving with each day. But...
Akita's Story part 217 by zDragonPhoenixz, literature
Akita's Story part 217
Part 217 - plans can change
The two homeless females came up onto the deck and spoke with Akita and Litah. They informed their would be Mistresses that they knew the slaves lived better than they did. The slaves had meals, beds, and a warm home... They had the dirt of Bunnice's streets eating scraps from the garbage bins.
These two weren't the youngest potential slaves, but Akita had a plan to use them. "My sex doll pillows need help day to day... You know, because they don't have limbs to be able to care for themselves... I believe Glaciaall and Vaalene need help in this regard - they're overworked."
"We will do anything for you, Mistress. You are the only one who has even spoken to us in months. We want to serve and have a purpose." Fanticogh replied. She was a five foot six inch tall, purple Mirialan. She had green eyes, short black hair, and C's.
"Yes, Mistress. She's right. Without you, we'd likely be dead already." Touruuck added. She was also Mirialan, but she was an inch taller and had yellow skin. Her hair was also black, but a bit longer. She had gorgeous purple eyes and D's.
Both slaves were in their fifties, and both were on the curvy side. Before the paperwork could be filed, Akita wanted to "play" slave trader. She knew she was going to help them out, but she wanted them to experience the joy of becoming a bondage sex slave.
"Strip." Akita ordered.
They had more layers than expected. The first layers were the robes from her earlier acquisitions. Under those, there were another three layers of dirty robes and a pair of pants under it all. No underwear though.
"Save the rich bitches' robes and burn the rest." Litah told Ketsu.
"Help me out." Ketsu told Andi.
"Yes, Ma'am." Andi replied as she grabbed the pile of clothing that Ketsu hadn't picked up.
The two short slaves waddled down the steps and started a fire. Once it was up and roaring, they added a garment or two at a time. Akita and Litah circled their prey. The older females took it all in stride as they had their love handles, sagging tits, chubby thighs, and crazy, dirty, matted bushes pointed out.
"I don't see a need to ring and pierce them." Akita pondered out loud.
"Their bodies are great for their ages. I say we P N them. We'll have to lose the furry patches though."
"Agreed. Tattoo droid!" Akita called for the droid that was sitting just inside.
The new slaves had their ownership tattoo added, and then the droid came around in front of Fanticogh. Touruuck watched in horror as her friend received her "PERMANUDE" tattoo across her chest - just under the collar bones. The roles were reversed when the droid turned around and gave Touruuck hers.
"Alright ladies. We own you now. You are never to wear clothing again - you have a home now, so you shouldn't be cold. You can sleep here tonight and you'll begin work tomorrow."
As horrified as they were about permanently being nude, they were beyond ecstatic to be sleeping inside and getting a meal or two in them. Akita had Ovedica feed them before Ketsu put them to bed.
Now, they could get back to the other four newbies. They were brought out of the water, and they all had rock solid nipples from the cold. The males would have had some serious "shrinkage" if they weren't trapped in an anus - those were the only two parts that were kept warm.
"You can sleep here." Akita told them while pointing at the water puddles they were standing in as they drip dried. "Tomorrow, we'll see if your families love you enough to save you."
The guys were runaways, so they didn't have families on world. That's why they had become theives to survive. The girls' parents were pissed that they had both fallen for such low-lifes. The girls' parents were well to do, and they flaunted it everywhere. Akita could buy and sell both families, but she didn't like to show off her wealth like they did.
It was a night of sound sleep for the older slaves, but it was rough for the young ones. The older ones were fed and amazing breakfast - Ovedica and Zorticaab had outdone themselves trying to make the formerly homeless slaves something special. The younger ones received the pills.
Because of their connections, the pairs had to ride back to town in the PUDO bed. Fanticogh and Touruuck rode in the back seat. The older slaves were dropped off at the Pillow Emporium and put right to work. The young ones were driven off to play Akita's game.
The girls robes were placed over the guys shoulders. They weren't large enough to cover the girls entirely, so they remained mostly nude. Akita used a couple clamps to attach leashes to the girls' clits, and led them into the fanciest restaurant in town.
"Your families are waiting for your big news." Akita laughed and yanked on the leashes.
Akita had told the guys to hold the robes on the girls' shoulders, so they weren't completely naked, but their fun bits were clearly exposed. She walked her strange little, four legged animals up to the table with the girls' parents. She had no problem making a scene.
"Hello. What do we have here?" Akita laughed and watched their faces when they turned to see their daughters.
"What have you done!" Clovergaall gasped. He was Lockthap's father - a couple inches taller, with a crew cut... your basic Chiss.
"Cover them up! This is a nice place!" Drunkeenig added. He was Tasmini's father - five foot eleven with green eyes.
"You seem more concerned about the scene we're making than the fact that I own your little girls." Akita pointed out. "It's fine, I'll go." she smirked and yanked the leashes. This drew everyone's attention to the pinched clits when they yelped. And when I say everyone, I mean the whole room full of diners, not just the table of parents.
"Please, cover them!" Baudiceen cried. She was Lockthap's mother, the spitting image of her daughter - only older.
"Please! They're so exposed!" Peiloump pleaded. She was Tasmini's shorter mother with darker blue skin and dark blue eyes. Because Drunkeenig liked them large, her breasts had been enlarged to F cups.
"Cover them?! They're BONDAGE SEX SLAVES..." Akita made sure to emphasize their situation. "They really are overdressed." Akita waved a hand, and the guys pulled the robes around themselves - leaving the girls standing completely visible to the room. "Guys, stand up straight."
The boys had been walking and standing with their legs apart. Because they were taller than the girls, it was necessary to keep from having the girls' weight on their locked in dicks. As they stood, the girls were lifted onto, and then off their tiptoes. They yelped, and the boys grunted, as they were lifted off their feet by the cocks in their asses. The boys struggled to hold their weight.
"What was that sound for?!" Baudiceen asked.
"The cock in their ass just sank in deeper as they were lifted up." Akita explained.
"You can't do this!" Drunkeenig exclaimed. "We'll get our lawyers involved, and you'll regret trying to take our daughters!"
"Trying? I've already succeeded. They're mine. I was here to give you a chance to get them back... before I get them working and 'tarnish' their bodies and reputations further. Akita waved and the boys lowered the girls - happy to not have the weight down there any longer. "I'm thinking, permanude, anal only sex dolls... or, I'll cut all these legs off at a height were the boys don't have to walk funny, and they can stay these four legged, four armed, two headed beasts forever - maybe make some carts for them to use to pull me around town."
"How dare you!" Clovergaall blurted out. "They come from rich families! Respected families?"
"They're of age. And, they're part of my 'family' now, which is more rich and more respected than either of yours."
"What can we do?! How do we get them back!?" Peiloump cried out.
"You have one hour before I leave town. Turn over all your holdings to me, and you have your little girls back."
"All our holdings?" Baudiceen looked for clarification.
Akita put her hands on the table and leaned over, "Everything you have. Bank accounts. Properties. Ships. It all comes to me, and you get them back. If not, your girls will be very 'disrespected' by anyone and everyone... probably some 'low-lifes' like their boyfriends. I hear the town is full of them. Of course, that short legged pack animal is still an option... as is a dunk in the sex doll vat... Just imagine, some farmer or garbage man positioning them where he can stare at their private parts, fuck them in strange ways, and blow his load anywhere on their bodies... One hour."
Akita stood, turned, yanked, and walked out. The parents were yelling at her and arguing amongst themselves the instant she turned, but she just kept walking. The husbands were sure they could win in court. They had no idea that law enforcement was there when their daughters broke the law and were turned. Because of some of the rumors surrounding the false information that Anckthee had "discovered", they thought they could out-spend her. They were vastly wrong on that one.
The mothers left the restaurant and went to the bank. They cried and bitched and yelled at the manager, but there was nothing he could do - the husbands' names were on all the accounts. They ran to the market to find Akita and beg her one more time.
It didn't work, and the time ran out. They said goodbye, and the mothers left in tears, hoping they could convince their husbands to change their minds quickly.
Back at the beach house, Akita separated the young slaves. She had them all get showered, and then present themselves to her again in the dungeon. They got cleaned up and walked down, then they waited for whatever was next.
Akita played with Wymmerth's cock. He was aroused like never before, but his expansion ring kept him from getting bigger. It was very uncomfortable... so much so that it began to hurt.
Akita pointed Ratti-Onn to a table and he stood beside it. With a nudge, he bent over it. She opened his ass, shoved Wymmerth inside him, and closed him back up again. Now, Ratti-Onn - who prided himself on being a tough guy's guy - had a cock in his ass. Akita pressed her breasts against Wymmerth's back and reached around him, gently sliding her finger nails down his stomach toward his groin. When she released the pressure around his penis, he squirted his load into his friend's ass. Then Akita clamped Wymmerth's dick shut, and Ratti-Onn's ass hole around it. They were trapped.
"No matter what happens next, know that you're stuck as slaves. Since you turned on people who loved you, I've added a 'never free' clause to your slavery. Even if I sell you off, they won't be able to officially free you."
"That's not fair!" Ratti-Onn protested.
Akita played with the control panel. She was able to used the directional squeezing of the rings to get Wymmerth fired up again... Toying with his scrotum as she worked both rings, she milked him into his friend's ass again.
"Keep complaining... you won't like the consequences." Akita warned. "Go ahead." Akita then laughed - making everyone wonder what she was talking about.
Wymmerth reached around and groped Ratti-Onn's breasts. "Very real feeling." he mumbled as Ratti-Onn knocked his hands away.
"What the fuck, dude?"
"They're a little hairy, but otherwise... nice tits." Wymmerth laughed.
"Do you want to fuck me?" Akita asked Ratti-Onn seductively as she started playing with his cock. "Do you want this inside me?"
"Yes, Mistress!"
"Too bad." Akita laughed as she tightened his expansion ring. He was as crushed as the ring could go. Even urinating wouldn't be possible right now. It hurt. The others looked on... their faces showing how much they thought that would hurt. Adding injury to insult, Akita spun around and lifted her right foot quickly. Because they were locked together, she was able to easily kick both guys in their plump scrotums. They dropped down at the same time. Ratti-Onn grabbed his sack, but Wymmerth couldn't reach his with Ratti-Onn attached.
"Hmmm. Crawl." Akita instructed the boys as she began fondling the ladies. As they "walked" on their knees, Akita could see the pack animal she had threatened the girls' parents with... she laughed and squeezed the tits in her hands at that moment - the new slaves jumped a little with the surprise of her fi grasp.
ET OVA #1: Duck, Percy and the Diesel Engine by MikeD57s, literature
ET OVA #1: Duck, Percy and the Diesel Engine
Narrator: During the 1950’s, diesels were now becoming a new part of British Railways. All across England, many railway lines were trialing out diesel locomotives as part of the modernization plan of British Railways. The diesel engine was a rather bizarre and completely different engine to what steam engines were. Instead of running on coal and water, they run on oil, instead of whistles, they used horns, and had a motor that was powered by this diesel oil and internal combustion in order to move, and were more box-shaped and compact than what a steam engine was. In fact, they were stronger and powerful than them. And because of their “efficiency”, they were much cheaper to run and seemed to be less harmful to the environment. Though most of the diesels at the time were aware of that, and seemed most proud of it. Believing themselves to be the future of railway traction, too much to the point of coming off as arrogant, conceited, and thinking that everything will work only in “their”
How to Court a Dragon Prince, Chapter Twenty-Six by JayaLaw, literature
How to Court a Dragon Prince, Chapter Twenty-Six
The nightmares simmered down, oddly enough. It may have been Toothless's wings encasing me like a protective shield, or the near-crash that we had experienced during the day. It may have even been visiting the witch and seeing Loki. It may have been that reality was becoming more frighful. Still, the past plagued my dreams. I was back on Alvin's ship, working my arms out of the chains, trying to make sure the Outcasts didn't cut off my dragon's ears. Slaughter and the other Outcast who had tried to strangle me were there too but silent. The memory went by slowly, as if a god had slowed down time, lengthening my struggle. Alvin stopped tal...