Mizo the Wedgied Scout by WedgieHunter058, literature
Mizo the Wedgied Scout
It was a quiet morning for the people of the Hisui region, more specifically the kind people of Jubilife village. Jubilife was a small and upcoming village in the Hisui region full of a broad variety of people much different than say the Diamond and Pearl clans. Here in Jubilife people have begun to observe, learn, and life in unison with the mysterious and strange creatures known as Pokémon. Now, who would be brave enough to venture into the wild lands and study such dangerous creatures? Why the Galaxy Expedition team of course!
Brave residents of the village joined the forces of the Galaxy Expedition team, a group dedicated to studying and learning about the wild creatures of the land known only as Pokémon. Regularly scouts from this group would leave the village and head to different areas to observe, document, and sometimes even catch wild Pokémon. As they do they learn and bond with them, helping themselves and the wildlife as well, completing symbiosis with them.
One of
Phineas And Ferb Drabble by DisneyPhan01, literature
Phineas And Ferb Drabble
Chapter I It was the end of another eventful afternoon, and the dynamic duo of Phineas and Ferb were sitting under the huge tree in their backyard. Phineas sighed happily."Today was a great day... Don't you think, Ferb?" he asked the boy beside him. His stepbrother silently nodded his affirmation, reading a book from the library. Phineas shifted his gaze beside him when he heard a familiar chattering noise."Oh, there you are, Perry!" Phineas exclaimed happily as he stroked his pet platypus. Both monotreme and boy smiled contentedly as the setting sun set the summer sky ablaze. Life was perfect. The ringing of a school bell wretched Phinea...
A Plane New Street (Anthro Bird and Raccoon TF/TG) by Vinomath, literature
A Plane New Street (Anthro Bird and Raccoon TF/TG)
Amidst a sprawling landscape of art-deco towers, and luminous streets of glitz and style, two interplanar rifts briefly shimmered into existence on a secluded rooftop. Out of the first stepped a young man, who hid pointed ears behind locks of curly brown hair. He was a planeswalker named Ruth, and this was his first time in the city of New Capenna.Following behind him would be a fairly average man about the same age a Ruth. Johnny had visited multiple planes, but often didn't stay long enough to truly call any of them home. When he planeswalked into New Capenna, it was unlike any other plane he had seen."So, this is new Capenna huh?" he co...
EBC | Of Bloody Deeds and Death P.2 by rebsbobebs, literature
EBC | Of Bloody Deeds and Death P.2
January 1st, 36 BC
Padding back through the streets of Massilia, Finnick quickly made his way to the upper class district. His family’s house was just North of the Hunter Gardens and the coliseum, a district filled with lots of highly adorned houses, both inside and out. His own family’s house wasn’t an exception to this either. The humans that owned him were quite wealthy, and they weren’t shy to show their status in terms of material wealth.
As he pulled up to the front of the house, Finnick looked at the tall structure, a thickly woven tapestry hanging nearby the doorway, laced with the once blooming vines that grew on the house in the warmer months. There was still snow in the yard, though there were footprints both human and feline that tarnished the once perfect white surface. Climbing up the steps, the cheetah ducked through the door that had been built specifically for the cats of the house to enter and exit. The only cats that resided within the house of course, were himself
Flashback Friday: A Bloodwing Short by GrayGhost613, literature
Flashback Friday: A Bloodwing Short
Location: Somewhere in Florida
Time: 10:00PM
It was a beautiful night outside, the moon was shining, the air was cool, everyone was either on their way back home from work, or they were heading out for a night on the town. A time that was fairly common for a number of residents, specifically for one resident in particular.
Meet Alyssa Foreman, a young college graduate and Florida resident, who was on her way back to her apartment from her Belly Dance Class. Alyssa was twenty-three years old, and sported a slim, slim, build for a woman of her age, she had short chestnut wavy, brown hair, and light brown eyes, with a beauty mark on her right cheek.
Alyssa was walking home from her class wearing a pair of denim booty shorts, that hugged her taut, round bubble butt, to the point where it looked like it was flossing her ass cheeks from behind. Her top was a casual zip-up jacket, that she had cut to the length of her cropped tube top, leaving back on full display for everyone to see.
(WARNING!!: Enmu IS his own warning, possibly some innuendos. )
"Y/N-CHAAAAAANNN!!~ Please allow me to bask in your presence.~I would love nothing more than to-"
You only watched in amusement as Enmu was literally dragged away from you by Rui, who by then had groan impatient of his antics and wrapped his legs together before dragging him away from you towards the door again. 
"Rui, he was supposed to give you a checkup too."
"He can do that later. Plenty of time later."
"Good bye my love!~ My room will be located just a hall away from yours.~ If they give you anymore trouble then stop by anytime.~" He have a sly grin. "Or if you're just lonely and desire company to-"
SLAM!! The door was wretched open.
"Bye, bye."
And Enmu was thrown out by Rui, the suitcase tossed out a moment later before again the door was slammed back closed. And Rui turned around and back towards the pile of presents still unwrapped in plain sight before walking towards them.  
"Rui, that wasn't very nice," you lightly scolded the child as Rui paid no mind and grabbed a big box from the middle of the pile.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Many gifts thudded down from the pile as he yanked it out and shrugged pale hand digging at the lid. "I don't particularly care about his opinion. He needs to learn about being a decent man first." He finally got the lid off and dove a hand inside discarding the lid on the floor and pulled up a ..pillow? "Hand embroidered pillows ?" He looked at you.
"You can have them for your room if you want, Kiddo." Your hand waved at the pile of 'gifts'. "Have at it."
Breakfast was served only a while later by two sweating, shaking, smiling with fear servants who took time to suck up to the both of you before hastily leaving and not a moment later Rui dug into most of the food provided to him before heading back to the gifts. There was some fancy looking things in there. The golden framed mirror Rui found earlier. A few hand sewn pillows. A painting or two . Some carved candles. Books. Vases. Various ornaments- Most of which were claimed by Rui before he excited scuttled off to put into his own room before coming back for more boxes. Bbbbuuutt most of the boxes were stuffed with objects specifically for you-...Er. Specifically for a woman you meant. Kimonos with any and all designs with many layers. Hairpins. Expensive looking perfume bottles. Make up. Those too tight shoes you hated- ...All of which you frowned at and all of them were shoved into a particularly BIG box that had the pillows in it. You'd figure out what to do with them later, for now the giant box of that stuff would be shoved to the side until you'd figure out what to do.
.... Speaking of which-
What WERE you going to do? You were tired of just waiting in rooms for hours on end and do nothing. There wasn't even anything for you to do but ...Wait. Again. This time just until Enmu got back with the results of your blood. In short -...
It seems that's what your life's become these days. Just sit down in a room and wait around for things. Wait for your leg to heal. Wait for your blood results. Wait for Akaza to get you. Wait here for...for... SOMETHING!! Wait, wait, wait. That's all you've been doing now. 
Day One.
Wait. Sit around. Servants brought you food shaken up by Enmu.
Day Two.
Wait. Sit around. Servants brought you food.
Day Five.
Wait. Eat. Sit around-
THIS SUCKED!!! You supposed Rui's hobby of threading and demanding your attention was enough to pass the long days. And the bright side was that you didn't wake up to anymore servants invading your space. Once and a while you'd see a few delivering food or laundry or coming in to clean your rooms but that's about it. That was a relief at least. But there was a few other things still added to that. It starts with a knock and a happy servant poked their head in holding another box or request.
"Lady Y/n. The Shota Family sent an invite for dinner."
"I'll pass."
"My Lady. You received another gift.~"
"*sigh* Give it to Rui."
"Your Ladyship. Would you Ike to meet with the Lord Taimatsu for tea? He's very influential and-"
"I think I'll be alright without doing that."
You declined everything. Not out of rudeness, but because meeting high influenceal demons was NOT a good idea!! Especially by yourself!! You didn't have a clue what these demons were capable of doing or what they were planning on trying to do to you! What if someone tried to marry you off AGAIN?! Or tried to take advantage of you somehow? Or worse. What if something were to happen to Rui?! That was a chance you couldn't take!! You already had someone try to kidnap him, you didn't need anymore trouble from them. So for now you'd think hard about what to do about your entire situation. But first thing's first.
You had to figure out how to get out of here. 
You could get out of the Kizuki Dwell easily enough, but how could you get out of this Infinity Castle dimension you were in? You were sure you'd get lost just walking around the place. It was like some kind of twisted mirror maze of rooms, doors, stairs, houses, and all kinds of platforms that you couldn't even Begin to navigate. Even if you had a map you'd get absolutely lost...But maybe if you had an escort or something? Kokushibo and every other demon seemed to know this place so well they didn't even need  directions. But what if someone got suspicious of your true intentions? UGH!! IT MADE YOUR HEAD SPIN!! YOU WERE ESSENTIALLY TRAPPED IN A MAZED PRISON SURROUNDED BY DEMONS WWAAAYY STRONGER THAN YOU AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN FIND A WAY OUT!! You didn't know what TIME it was! What DAY it was!! What MONTH OR YEAR!! You didn't even know if it was DAY OR NIGHT!! IT frustrated you to no end that you ended up just grabbing your head and giving out a yell of frustration before falling back into your futon.
You ended up deeply scowling at the ceiling and just laying there until a figure appeared over you and Rui looked down at you blankly. "What frustrates you this time?"
Oh yeah. You forgot he was here most of the time. You groaned hands rubbing your face. "It's hard to explain. ...Why aren't you in bed?"
"It's morning, not night." The hell if you could tell around here. "I'm bored." A hand tugged on your shoulder. "Take me out somewhere."
"Rui...I wish I could. Believe me. But with my luck Id wind up in the ocean somehow from getting lost in this place. "
"Good. Let's go explore then."
Before you could even tell him how useless it was anyways because you'd get lost either way-The door knocked and again before you could say anything else, it opened up and a head poked inside.
"My Lady," a male servant smiled at you making you sigh and flop your head back on the bed. "I have brought news!"
"*sigh* What is it this time?" Another gift? Another invite? Someone else wanting to court you or suck up?
The man's smile wavered at your lack of enthusiasm but widened once he pushed open the door and carried in (surprise surprise) another gift box. "You received a gift from one of your fiances, Your Ladyship! It was just delivered to us!"
"..A gift from someone I know?" Your eyes opened back up.  Well..THAT was a first. You weren't expecting something from one of your 'suitors'. ...?! You shot up wide eyed. What if it was a book from Kyogai? Or maybe some more medicine from Enmu? Finally maybe it was something useful to you. "Who's it from?"
"Lord Douma! He's sent over a package for you! I bet you'll love whatever's inside!"
You again paused. Wait. Douma?! As in that demon who's rumored to be a womanizer and pervert with many lovers?! That Douma?!
"That's the strange blonde demon Father punched before," Rui commented, "He's a pervert."
You shivered cringing a bit remembering the  strange look behind his eyes. It was so...empty. So lifeless. So ... DANGEROUS.
"Send it back!"
The servant blinked. "Huh? B-But ...my lady. It's from Lord Douma. Don't you at least want to see what it is? Or read the letter he sent?"
"Absolutely not!" You pointed at the door firmly with a scowl. "Do not open it. Do not damage it. Do not tell me anything more about it. Send the entire thing back! Letter and all! I don't want them!" He opened his mouth. "DONT. Argue with me. I said what I meant and I meant it when I said I don't want it! Mail the entire thing right back to Douma!" Maybe you could get at least one demon suitor off your back if you showed him serious disinterest. "What are you standing there for? GO!!"
He scrambled out of there so fast you were sure he phased through the wall like a ghost...Well he was a demon. Maybe he actually did go through the wall. You however groaned and rubbed your head again. How could this get even worse?
"Well. I see you've been doing some productive elimination." You both looked up again. Teal eyes smiled at you. "I hope I'm not intruding.~"
"Enmu!," You lit up and rose to your feet. The team eyed demon had returned... holding a...stack of books strapped together? "What are you doing here? And...with books?"
He chuckled again. "So nice to see you happy to see me.~ As for these.." He held up the books. And another stack of strapped together books in his other hand you hadn't noticed. Yikes! They were all pretty thick, and there must've at least been twelve there. "The Master requested I drop them off for the boy before the next school year starts in a week."
You blinked. "...What?"
He chuckled again at your frown. "Did you really not think we wouldn't have an education system in place? Ever child residing here goes to the most prestigious  school there is in our provinces. Of course he'll be starting out in the first grade since he desperately needs to catch up with his peers." The heavy looking books were set down making both you and Rui blink. "The Master has already enrolled him in and is currently in the process of getting him his own personal healer for his stay there."
School? This whole Maze World had a school somewhere in here?....Well..Now that you thought about it, it made sense. There must've been millions of demons residing here for all you knew so of course their society would have such a thing as an education system. The poor school you went to as a child wasn't very big. You could read and write and all that but you had to drop out in order to take care of your old grandma and start working off that stupid debt. 
"What kind of school is this?'' You rose a brow. You were still suspicious of this place. "What exactly does this school do?"
"Oh it teaches the ciricular the Master set in place. Literature, arts, history, human culture- It's everything your own servants know."
"School? As in I have to leave Mother for hours every day?" Rui tilted his head. "I don't know if I like that."
Enmu shrugged. "I'm afraid it's out of my hands. Starting next week you'll be there studying and learning along with other children as suggested by Akaza! Now about the real reason why I came here-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait! Hang on a minute there!" He hummed as you held a hand up...and then pointed at him. "....What was that part about Akaza?"
"Hm? Oh. Akaza was actually the one who suggested to the Master that he get the boy an education. Something about trying to provide as a father...I think. He was rather brief. He mentioned something about investigating a string of murders for Kokushibo. *sigh* The lucky man.~"
"And Muzan agreed to this?"
"Of course! He thought it was a wonderful idea! The Princess attends the same school, even if she's heavily guarded most of the time."
So  Akaza was dead serious when he said he was going to fill the position of Rui's Father. You relaxed a little bit knowing that piece of information. If Akaza thought it was a good idea then you trusted his judgement, and honestly it was a good idea now that you thought about it more. Rui would get an education which was vital to any child. He would learn to be more independent from you too and interact with other children which would be good for him. Everyone should be able to make friends. You wished you could've had that experience as a child.
"Father wishes me to further continue my education..," Rui mused to himself with a hum and looked off at nothing. "...Yes. That's something a father would want for his child. He's already proven a correct choice." He closed his eyes with a nod. "Very well then. I'll honor his request. However I still expect him to come back and visit me soon. I have arrangements for my siblings I wish to make."
Enmu looked at you as you facepalmed and groaned. "Don't ask. I'm still sorting that out. Is this all you came here for?"
He chuckled at your annoyance. Adorable.~ "No. I actually came here to confirm that my theory about your blood.." He smiled wider eyes half lidded. "Is completely correct."
There was a silence as you stared at him wide eyed and blinking. "Well...What was your theory then? You promised to tell me."
"And I intend to keep that promise. But first I need to ask one last question." He tilted his head at you. "Do you have a family name?" You looked confused. "A last name. Do you have a last name? It's important for narrowing down something later trust me."
Last name? Family name? No. You didn't have one. Why would he need to know that anyways? Maybe you should've been a little more suspicious of his question but you had no reason to doubt him as he had helped you and despite his personality had been completely honest.  So you answered his question honestly back.
You shook your head. "No. I never had one. My grandmother didn't either. She abandoned our family name when I was born."
"Oh." He looked genuinely disappointed and frowned with a hum. "Hmm. Well that's not good. It's going to make it much harder to narrow down the search then."
"My mother had a family name though, before she died." And just like that he snapped back up with a smile. "My grandmother only told me it once though when I was very little. I don't know if I can remember it correctly."
"Well why don't you tell me anyways. I'm sure it would be..very helpful.~"
...What was your mother's family name? Your eyes narrowed looking at nothing. You heard it only once but you did know it. What was it? What WAS it? ....She told you when you were seven right? What was it she said? Something that started with a T?....Tamsa? Tamo? Tammy?..No those didn't sound right. It was close to that however. What was it? What was-...
Enmu tilted his head. Watching as purple eyes looked to him. "Tamayo?..." Her head slowly nodded. "Yes. My mother's maiden name was Tamayo."
A wide look came over Enmu as his smile slowly got bigger and bigger until it could've split his face...and he giggled. And giggled. And GIGGLED. Stopping himself by pressing a hand over his mouth. Tamayo. Tamayo, Tamayo, Tamayo!! This was the missing link! The final piece needed for puzzle to be complete. Oh Lord Muzan would be so proud of him.~
"Why would you want to know that though?"
He giggled again almost maniacally. "Because...Y/n your blood  of a pure demon."
Two hands grabbed your cheeks. "Oh dear sweet Begonia. Such tragic story runs behind thee.~ You don't know how lucky you are.~ Don't you see what you are?~"
Your eyes stared at him in an almost scared emotion. An emotion he thought looked beautiful on her features.
"YOU. My dear darling...Are pure demon! Your body is awakening your demon instincts that laid doormat for years. Don't you see! Y/n! You are the sole heir of the Tamayo bloodline, and one of the most powerful demon bloodlines to ever exist."