Chapter 14: Mad With DesireOne evening in New Rushland, Mikhail was just finishing dinner for his family when he heard the door to the basement slam. “Someone’s hungry.” He thought to himself. But once he turned around, he saw his adopted ward still in costume. Cyan had wrapped her cape around her waist and taken off her domino mask, revealing her bright red cheeks. Concerned, Mikhail turned off the stove and knelt down in front of her.“Cyan, what’s wrong?” He asked.“... uh-rrp-m-soo…” She mumbled, bashfully.“Sweetie, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” Mikhail said, patiently.With a sniffle, Cyan leaned closer to his ear...
Simply games Ussops fatal hearts by Hynageneral, literature
Simply games Ussops fatal hearts
Depending on the choice...will cause a change in fate of Ussop and on others. Its the start of summer, but for Ussop he feels low due to the odd dreams he has been having and wishes to fine love...bit heard especially when he is Gay.But when reports of dead girls are showing up on the news, his dreams start to become more surreal...especially when he sees a hazel eyed dragon boy who feels oddly familiar... Now he has to be careful...any choices he makes will affect him and others around him as the mystery of his dreams and fight between two cults...and where he fits into all of this...and the mysterious Drago and why he is called Usage in ...
Money comes from nothing(Fuck Money) P.4 by KarmeticPeace, literature
Money comes from nothing(Fuck Money) P.4
Now in part four
I know I've beaten it to death
This slogan
Fuck Money
Money comes from nothing
But this speech
Is me talking
But I feel
I need to be molesting
That dead horse
So it would be
Cause I feel I still need to go postal
By being beastial
To show
A spectacle
To be Russel Crowe
Are you not entertained
Fuck Money
We're all deranged
I'm to nice for my own good
I came from the hood
To get outta of the ghetto
Now I'm living good
But I need more
And that requires scratch
but a snitch will snatch
But I'm a gypsy
They always win
And get payback
Watch the movie snatch
My fellow gypsies
One of my brothers favorite movie
One of his nickname is Mikey
But he prefers Mike
Been never attracted a dike
But I have be liked
A bitch said I love you
I said it too
But I never ment it
I ended it
Same day her grandpa died
Double whammy
But I knew the pain would subside
But violently she cried
The truth hurts
That's why I'm apothecary
I administer truth as a druggist
I'm a chemist doctor
A non-conformist
I'm Patch Adams
Robin Williams
Watched it again tonight
Read between the lines
Cause he saw 8 finger's
When the guy was holding up
4 fingers
He opened a hospital for free
Cause really fuck Money
Yeah fuck money
So I've come to the conclusion
Money bastardized creation
I'm looking for one world
One nation
This has been a spiritual war of attrition
A war that's to win the hearts and minds
Of every human
It starts with public castration
Of the treasonous people
Then it's public execution
The hangman saying
Fuck ur inflation
I'm a bastard to
That committed treason
But I did it to start saving
The masses
My brother told me to get glasses
To fix my lazy eye
I said no I'm good
I got migraines and nose bleeds
In childhood
They do the same
So fuck glasses
And fuck money
And fuck you too
For liking money
I'm dead ass serious
But I'm being funny too
Eddie Murphy
I'm just curious
Why you being all mysterious
When I wanna take you for a ride
And fuck the brains outta ya
Hide your body
In my trunk
Get in a high speed chase
Start shooting
You know they can fly
That joke
I'm about to die
But actually
With your dead body in the trunk
I'd died suicide by cop
Then they'd find your body
So it would be
Suicide and homicide
No note
That's our first date
Cause in the afterlife
I'm stuck to you
Like people dumb enough to sniff glue
Watching soap operas and dramas
Cuz really we're into who's fucking who?
But dangerously I knew
I was going say I love you
I was thinking that
Now I'm tripping on that
But I didn't say that
It came out all wrong
Now I put u in the song
Baby please come back
But you'll never have me
Cause money comes from nothing
Fuck Money
Yeah fuck money
People only come to me when they hurting
This I'm curtain
I was born for a reason
Giving it all up
To Teach you a lesson
America is at 34.1 trillion
In debt
But really
The bankers
Are fucking
U over by lies they saying
Hell 911
Inside job
For more control
Edward Snowden
Selling your information
Now you wondering
I'm not black listed
The bankers probably saying
I Need to be waterboarded
Even though torture
Is known to give false information
Cuz after a while you'll see anything
Just to stop the madness and bleeding
I give it up to the choir
Truth seekers
Theie lives exposing
The truth
Alex Ebert's song
That mutherfucker was preaching
Cause your darkside is shining
My darkness is shining
A light
So bright
It takes away the stars at night
And have you believing
Cause that's the beauty
But money
Fucks with this reality
Till the world starts collapsing
Were disasters consequences
This is all detrimental to your health
Where's yourself wealth
My pickup line being
Fuck Money
Wanna get married
But I wanted it
You ain't getting half
Bitch you know I leave You
If I can't pull the plug
Not to say I wouldn't love you unconditionally
Just fuck money
Fuck the majority
And fuck democracy
I know I'm the underground movement
Where i do have seniority
My new slogan
Say it loudly and proudly
Yeah fuck money
My slogan
Is a hunger strike
My slogan
Is about Canadian
My new slogan
Better than that hat
Make America great again
The lies he was spewing
Alex Jones saying
He was compromised
Trump is really good at telling lies
Marijuana has all different kinds of eyes
From paranoia to straight out laughter
It opens your mind
So you straight up wander
But this do we are now conjure
Not really high right now
So I roll up another
Rest in peace my brother
I know you were a soldier
And to my sister
Lets have another
To your recently deceased mother
I know the pain cuts deep
Deeper than any ocean
Higher than any mountain
But if the world is really listening
To what I'm saying
Then please listen
Cuz money comes from nothing
Fuck money
Yeah.. fuck money
No fuck you
For fucking with money
Cuz all you want is
Jacked up prices
Where it ain't worth a dollar
Master P's slogan
Holler if you hear me
Saunter back if you see me
We're all I want to do is to get through to you
Eminem screaming
Fuck you
So I do the same too
I wish you
Merciless death upon you
Or Hitler pineapple Express
Little Nicky
Is so fucking funny
I'm just waiting for all this to digest
Cuz I won't die down
On both of the crowns
I'm Bozo of the name clown
Saving the lives
Or stupid individuals
That go to the rodeos
Or bullfighting
You should see the way how farming chicken live
But if money is all you got to give
Then fuck you
We are you
And I argue
This fact that money comes from nothing
So I'm here to bring something
Cuz I realizing
Cracking the source code to all dimensions
Something you forget from the afterlife
While being
Born in this dimensional SpaceTime continuum
Not to let you know fucked up it gets
In the quantum realm
For our destiny is to be
Guardians of this realm
For who's going to be at the helm
Shit I don't know
I'm stuck here in traffic driving up into a pinto
I need a thrill
Like storm chasers
Watching a tornado
Where a submarine
Is launching a nuclear torpedo
Squeal like a pigo
Destiny is calling
London calling
It's time to let go
I'm here to bruise the ego
And say
Fucking money
Like instinct
Hatered seems uncontrollably
But where's your dialect
From maybe we can have coffee
Get to know each other
Listen to ur wisdom
And theory's
Mines of peace
And mitigation
A great sanitation
A global awakening
To stop the plants and animals from dying
My homie
Cooking up Kraft dinner
Frying up hotdogs and smokies
It's his turn
Damn now I got the munchies
Got Doritos
Extra cheesie
The world is Chinsie
Here I've blown a lot of money
Bailing people out
Cause they need money
Practically begging
Grotesley seething
When money is all your making
Not jealous
Never jealous
Always greatful
Life is beautiful
I get to see it thru
My amazing view
But they're restless spirit
Has no quit
But the drugs and lack of funds
Is all his wisdom
Resorting back to guns
I got a fetish for hot broken nuns
What's under the burka
Umm…check it
I'm for woman's rights
But they need to get beaten
To toughen
Stiffen up
That upper lip
Fuck drip
And fuck you for liking it
Money is nothing
Your life means something
So start living
With my slogan
Money comes from nothing
Fuck Money
But you a sickling
I'm just typing
Like my veins are using
Blood thinners
Weight watchers
Jenny Craig going out of business
Hate mongers
Fucking got high and skipped classes
Got too see the tires
Of my crush
But she was taken
So nothing happened
Her dream was being
Paris Hilton
I ratted her out so fast
To all my school children
Cause I knew fame be killing
Worried there's a home break in
Coming home the place is trash
Valuables taken
See I know cause in England
I had Damian Dolby
Rob me and my family
Cause we were from a different country
I was to popular
People are to friendly
But celebrityism
Came from sensationalizing
A trial
Where a bitch got away with killing her husband
In the 1920
The tabloids were born
Could have been the year 1911
I saw that fact so long ago
My memories are fleeting
It's like dying
Of Bruce Willis's
I'll probably die of cancer
Cause I'm a smoker
Should learn from my uncle
He has cancer
Not he rolls around on a scooter
Waiting for his free car
I'm self castrating
U can call me nutter
Still need to buy butter
Just being using tap water
But it's just as good in Kraft dinner
Just butter taste better
My heart is fine
I'm good in the water
Use to be faster
In the shallow end
Than any swimmer
Throwing around victims
Doing the rock bottom
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Have all the ladies going
Oh my dear Watson
Like prince in a club
Has me thinking
Not getting
My ass out my debt for shit
Wanting to listen
To Vinnie Paz
Jedi mind tricks
But the song I want to mention
To make you thinking
The song in question
Is fraudulent cloth
A song about everybody taking from me
I even wrote a song called fuck money
I was 14
Or 16
Fuck the paparazzi
Car chasing
They be killing
For money
So fuck money
Just recently
I have autism
It makes sense I'm on the spectrum
I feel like the shining
Till my dying words
I repeat myself
Till I get to the promised land
Cause this has gotten way outta hand
But promise
I'll make you a stan
I'm doing the best I can
I'm build a brand
It called being a man
It's nothing new
But hey fuck it
There she blew
They actually blew up a beached whale
Cause they can explode
But these idiots
Wanted to let's loosely say
Science experiment
In the 70s
Using dyno-mite
To think there doing things right
But it was far outta sight
It did nothing
But put a big whole in the whale
But nope
The dumbasses
Used to much dyno-mite
It was an spectacular explosion
But they cuts flew so far
That big chunks
Destroyed cars
On top of the roofing
Smashing windows
Hurting people
But submarines
Have to use a torpedo
When confronted
With a dead whale
Cause there dangerous
To there mission
I'm sitting here
Biting while kissing
Making a girl cumming
Just with that action
When Desmond leaves
It's back to masturbation
But I love using cum
A way to ride a high
Adrenaline high
Love waking up
Cum drunk
Need a smoke
Cause that bitch
Titties jiggling
Had me lurking
But I'm a virgin
And I'm ok with that
Cause I go to bat for you
A cause I can love a stranger
Kinda like a cop
Dying to get the hillside strangler
The obsession
The second guessing
The need to answer the burning questions
With little clues
Cold case files
On a&e
Back when it did biography
Back in the late 1990's
Forensic files
After 30 of them
Teaching u how to get rid of of bodies
Very carefully and slowly
But if you fuck up
Then guess what
A prison raping
With a thick dick
Will come quickly
He straight
He's in prison
Male is the only action
Prison is just a little
Fucking till there's
Chunky gravy
Who raw!
To the army and navy
Your really always been puppets to kings
Used for all the generations
Even tribes
Thinking outsiders are gods
Cause they into killing and head hunting
National geographic was the only thing back then for masturbating
sagging titties
Masturbating over unglies
Was the only thing you can see
Hand pro-copulating
Desperate we're the 80s
Worst in the 60s
Was Einstein's undoing
Spiritually I had him
Look up today's porn
He locked himself in a room
For days on end
Just jerking
Not working
It's was shocking
The stamina of an old man
I was like fucking Einstein
You gotta stop man
You'll go blind
He's like naw man
Slams the door
I just need one more
Cause I love a good whore
Cause he was a womanizer
Only knock on him
Still my hero
Mortal Kombat
Blew my mind at 3
Fucking Nintendo
Using cheat codes
To unlock characters
Game shark
Remember that technology
Loving GTA Vee
That crazy Canadian
Perfect description
Cause it was funny to him
That's what Canadians do
Die for a laugh
Just for laughs
Or even gags
The first day
It's probably
The first show
A good show
Took away my worries
Like being a gypsy living in poverty
Growing to hate money
I was born with this slogan
Tattooed on my face fuck money
Money comes from nothing
Just digits on a screen
Making life obscene
Killing Martian Luther King Jr's
Dr King
Shit I aspire to
To get shot
I'd go out like tupac
Last words in Vegas to a cop
Fuck you
That's the way I wanna go out
With a peaceful middle finger
With a message
Return to sender
Cuz then I get the last laugh
Cuz I'm dying for your ass
Creative juices flowing
Smoking grass
Coping mechanism put to task
Feeling like Nelson Mandela
While he was in prison
Dangerously I'm flowing
Spitting wildfire
My life to reason
Starting by thunderstorms
A metaphor I'll use for my movement
But I'm talking to the deceased
So in this press release
Fuck money
Is the headline
Money comes from nothing
But I'm confined
To a world
Were I have to say dream
Looking at the clouds
Trying not to scream
Mental health is ok now
But really it was a long road
But I'd rather take the hard road
So I have stories when I'm old
Then I've won
Can't own I gun
I'd use it on myself
Cause it's quick and easy
They only way
I take my life
In this reality
But I got no money honey
Googley eyed fatty
A Gordie Howe hat trick
Is better than a real Hatty
Got to deal with shit
And handle shit
A hockey player knows it
Cuz the chirps are deep
Have you spitting Chiclets
To broke to pay for the Dentist to fix it
The funny thing is
You're already doing things for free
Cuz money comes from nothing
And the constant bullshittting
Brings rivals
It's on everything
Even the magic book
The bible
A fucking fable
But Jesus was right
Fuck Money
Should be the 13th commandment
Let's start this engagement
Break bread
Peace pipping
Tobacco and weed pipes
Chanting all night
Fuck money
And fuck the people in power
For guiding us into this travesty
Waiting for older to be just one tragedy
But the world didn't care after covid
So I don't know why I'm trying to save my life
For thee
I don't know why I'm trying to save this reality
Martin Luther King Jr told me
To do something with your life
Before your 90
Do it right now
And fuck longevity
I'm a new reverend
A guru
This isn't new
But fuck you
You deserve the treatment
Of how we treat animals
So open
So cruel
So I end this
Feeling accomplished
Cause I probably got thru to you
Fuck Money
And do it for free
Fuck Money