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Most important childhood event that still affects him/her :
Why/How? Other memories/events that still affects him/her and why/how :
Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have peopl...
A group of 'interesting' beings that are called 'Kiorhitterians'.
These beings aren't usually in the mortal realm, rather, they are in another realm most mortal beings called 'The Black Void'. Perhaps you have heard of this place before, but with a description of 'a place where nothing could live and grow up in'. Those words are simply speculations rather than truth. In fact, there really are beings who live in this empty-like realm - or should I rather say - void. Of course, it's coming from the name itself. Some would say that the reason people think no such lifeforms would exist in this void is that they meant about only a few parts of the void than whole. Yes, some parts of this void are where no lifeforms inhabit, but this doesn't mean there aren't places where lifeforms do so.
This name - Kiorhitteria(ns) - is most likely untranslatable in the mortal realm. Of course, this doesn't stop people from adding some meanings of their choice they think fit into this supposedly-untranslatable name. Long story short, said name's meaning is officially - in the mortal realm - 'with no expression or emotion and empty, like void'. Some may say there are different meanings, yet all together fits well combined. 'Empty', 'nothingness', 'void-like' and 'no expression or emotion' are most likely the separate meanings. But there could also be an additional meaning, and that would be 'infect' some ways.
You see, this species is similar to zombies when spreading its population. Some of the Kiorhitterians were once human who unfortunately accidentally stumbled upon this void, and in addition, accidentally met the other Kiorhitterians and got infected. Some of them were once Kaabii/Lumi, too. Their way of infection is…goopy-like. This is because their own body is goopy, even though they have a surface on their body. When a Kiorhitterian touches an uninfected being, some of the Kiorhitterian's goop transfers to the uninfected being, making it infected. The goop that was shared can grow within one's body, but it does have a limit, depending on size, height and weight.
Just because the Kiorhitterians can 'infect', that doesn't entirely mean they're basically like zombies…ish. This is merely a way to gain population, since giving birth is quite rare. Any beings they find, they have the urge to infect them to gain a larger population to their species. This, however, doesn't exactly change the infected minds, like zombies would. The infected would only have an additional thought to increase population (reason of also having the thought to infecting is actually by decision, but most just do it since they thought it's the only way), but other than that, they act the same. Just…with a different appearance and a sort-of different style of living.
Most of the time, Kiorhitterians are actually nice and friendly. If you attempt to attack them, they could easily know whether it's by defense or because you really want to attack them. If it's by defense, their infection kinda thing would drastically decrease, but still present. If on purpose, they *will* charge to you. Other than that, just be nice - try not to actually be a threat - and you're fine!
(Hah, imagine Nightmare!Kirby being a Kiorhitterian, hehe...well, people do mistaken him as a Kiorhitterian, but that doesn't mean he actually is XP)